vineri, 18 august 2017

Jon Snow Pretends to Be a Dragon in Hilarious Game of Thrones Outtake

Jon Snow knows nothing about what it means to be a dragon.
Game of Thrones fans witnessed a major moment during last week's episode when the King in the North (Kit Harington) touched Daenerys Targaryen's dragon, Drogon. In a behind-the-scenes clip shared by co-star Emilia Clarke to Instagram on Thursday, Jon Snow tried his best to emulate one of her fire-breathing children. How'd it go? We'll let you be the judge.
In the funny video, Harington spreads his fur-lined coat and flaps it up and down like a pair of wings.
Clarke (who can be heard giggling in the background) captioned the moment, "I mean, JEEEZE, one pet of a dragon and he thinks he's one of them. #youknownothingjonsnow  #butyoudoknowhowtonotgetblownoffacliffingaleforsewindssotheresalwaysthat #everypunaboutwindicanthinkofinserthere"
The actor explained in an HBO clip, "I quite liked that moment with the dragon. I think there was something I wanted to bring to it, which was quite animalistic. Animals go on the smell of something. If you're coming up to a horse, you want it to sniff you before it trusts you. Hopefully that worked with the dragons. If you show quite a vicious animal fear, it will jump on that, but if you show it bravery, it will respond in a different way."
Clarked added, "She sees his interaction with her dragons and it's an attractive quality for her."
While it has yet to be 100 percent officially confirmed that Jon Snow is Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's son, it's largely assumed that he is the product of the prince and Lyanna Stark, which makes Daenerys Jon Snow's aunt.

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