joi, 30 martie 2017

CURS VALUTAR - 30 Martie 2017

Concurs Pall Mall Castiga o excursie in valoare de 20.000 de euro, 7 x iPhone 7, 7x Camera foto Canon 100 d si alte premii atractive

Campania Pall Mall se desfasora in perioada 20 Martie 2017- 07 Mai 2017
Participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
- persoana fizica
- domiciliul/rezidenta in Romania
- varsta de minim 18 ani
Nu pot participa:
- angajatii Organizatorului si rudele acestora
- angajatii tuturor colaboratorilor implicati in desfasurarea Campaniei si rudele acestora

Produse participante:
- Orice pachet de tigarete Pall Mall cu eticheta promotionala

Mecanismul de desfasurare:
In perioada 20 Martie 2017 - 07 Mai 2017, participantii la concurs trebuie sa parcurga urmatorii pasi:
- sa achizitioneze minim un pachet de tigarete Pall Mall participant la promotie
- sa trimita codul unic din interiorul pachetelor de tigarete Pall Mall pe website-ul _ sa completeze formularul cu datele de contact.

1 x Vacanta in valoare de 20.000 euro
7 x iPhone 7
7 x Camera foto Canon 100d
7 x Ceas Suunto Traverse Amber
7 x Bicicleta Pegas Magistral
40 x Boxa portabila JBL
155.000 x Brichete/pachete de tigarete Pall Mall

                                              PARTICIPA LA CONCURS

marți, 28 martie 2017

Concurs L&M Castiga unul din cele 12 Smartphone-uri Samsung Galaxy S7

Campania "L&M Quality Campaign 2017" se desfasora in perioada 06 Martie 2017 - 28 Mai 2017
Participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
- persoana fizica
- domiciliul/rezidenta in Romania
- varsta de minim 18 ani
Nu pot participa:
- angajatii Organizatorului si rudele acestora
- angajatii tuturor colaboratorilor implicati in desfasurarea Campanie si rudele acestora

Produse participante:

- L&M Black 100's
- L&M Fine Cut Red KS
- L&M Fine Cur Red 100's

Mecanismul de desfasurare:
In perioada 06 Martie 2017 - 28 Mai 2017, participantii la Campanie trebuie sa parcurga urmatorii pasi
- sa achizitioneze minim un pachet de tigarete L&M participant la promotie
- sa trimita codul unic din interiorul pachetelor de tigarete L&M pe website-ul + sa completeze formularul de concurs cu datele de contact

Premii acordate prin tragere la sorti:
12 x Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S7

                                              PARTICIPA LA CONCURS

Concurs Bergenbier Castiga 500 lei pe ora

Campania Bergenbier se desfasora in perioada 31 Martie 2017 - 31 Mai 2017
Participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
- persoana fizica
- domiciliul/rezidenta in Romania
- varsta de minim 18 ani
Nu pot participa:
- angajatii Organizatorului si rudele acestora
- angajatii tuturor colaboratorilor implicati in desfasurarea Campaniei si rudele acestora

Produse participante:
- Orice produs din gama Bergenbier cu eticheta promotionala

Mecanismul de desfasurare:
In perioada 31 Martie 2017 - 31 Mai 2017, participantii la Campanie trebuie sa parcurga urmatorii pasi:
- sa achizitioneze minim un produs Bergenbier participantii la promotie
- sa trimita codul unic de sub capac prin SMS la 1750 (tarif normal in retelele Orange, Vodafone, Telekom) sau pe website-ul

Premii acordate prin tragere la sorti:
800 x 500 lei

Concurs Coca-Cola Castiga bilete la UNTOLD si meniuri McDonalds

Campania Coca-Cola se desfasora in perioada 03 Aprilie 2017 - 25 Iunie 2017
Participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
- persoana fizica
- domiciliul/rezidenta in Romania
- varsta de minim 18 ani
Nu pot participa:
- angajatii Organizatorului si rudele acestora
- angajati tuturor colaboratorilor implicati in desfasurarea Campaniei si rudele acestora

Produse participante:
Coca Cola, Coca Cola Lime, Coca Cola zero la 500ml, sau 750 m:

Mecanismul de desfasurare:
In perioada 03 Aprilie 2017 - 25 Iunie 2017, participantii trebuie sa parcurga urmatorii pasi:
- sa achizitioneze minim un produs Coca-Cola din magazinele participante la promotie
- sa inscrie codul unic gasit sub capac pe sau sa scaneze codul de sub bratara pe aplicatia mobila Coke Scan

Premii acordate prin tragere la sorti:
- Meniuri Combo McDonalds
- Abonamente duble UNTOLD
 Total premii: 202.800

                                                  PARTICIPA LA CONCURS

CURS VALUTAR - 28 Martie 2017


sâmbătă, 25 martie 2017

Prognoza meteo pe trei luni: cum va fi vremea în perioada aprilie – iunie ANM: Prognoza meteo pe trei luni

Administrația Națională de Meteorologie (ANM) a emis prognoza pentru următoarele trei luni. Astfel, în perioada aprilie – iunie, vremea va fi în general caldă, cu valori termice care se vor situa în apropierea normelor climatologice ale perioadei, în timp ce la nivelul precipitațiilor acestea se anunță excedentare. Advertisment În APRILIE, temperatura medie lunară a aerului va avea valori apropiate de norma climatologică, în cea mai mare parte a țării. Potrivit măsurătorilor de specialitate, media multianuală lunară pentru a doua lună de primăvară este de 9,3 grade Celsius. ANM estimează valori medii de temperatură de până la 12 grade Celsius în Banat, Oltenia și Muntenia, respectiv de până la 11 grade Celsius în Crișana, Maramureș, Transilvania, Dobrogea și Moldova. De asemenea, la nivelul aceleiași luni, cantitățile totale de precipitații vor fi excedentare în vestul, centrul și nordul țării și apropiate de normă, în rest. Media multianuală a precipitațiilor pentru luna aprilie este stabilită la 51,3 litri/metrul pătrat. Cele mai mari cantități de precipitații sunt estimate în Banat (până la 78 l/mp), Oltenia (până la 75 l/mp) și Transilvania (până la 70 l/mp), iar cele mai scăzute în Dobrogea (până la 40 l/mp). În luna MAI se vor înregistra temperaturi medii lunare mai scăzute decât media climatologică, mai ales local în nord și centru, respectiv apropiate de norme în restul teritoriului. În condițiile în care media multianuală a lunii este de 14,9 grade Celsius, cele mai scăzute temperaturi medii se vor înregistra în zona Moldovei (între 10 și 17 grade Celsius), iar valori termice medii mai ridicate, de până la 18 grade Celsius, se vor consemna în Banat, Oltenia și Muntenia. Cantitățile totale de precipitații se vor situa în apropierea normelor climatologice în sud și sud-est. Acestea vor putea fi, însă, excedentare în restul teritoriului, adică peste norma stabilită la 66,5 l/mp. Cele mai mari cantități de precipitații vor cădea în Maramureș (până la 89 l/mp), Muntenia (86 l/mp), Crișana (până la 85 l/mp), Banat (84 l/mp) și Oltenia (83 l/mp). Advertisment În IUNIE, temperaturile medii lunare se vor situa, în general, în apropierea mediilor multianuale, stabilite la 18,3 grade Celsius. Temperaturile medii vor fi cuprinse între 15 și 19 grade Celsius, în Transilvania. În același timp, valori pozitive, de până la 22 de grade Celsius, se vor consemna în Oltenia și Muntenia. Pe de altă parte, precipitațiile vor fi apropiate de media climatologică, în nordul și centrul țării și vor avea o tendință spre deficit în celelalte regiuni. Măsurătorile de specialitate au stabilit o normă medie lunară a precipitațiilor de 84,5 l/mp, conform ANM. În zona Munteniei, cantitățile medii de precipitații ar putea ajunge la 111 l/mp, în Banat la 107 l/mp, în Transilvania la 106 l/mp, în Crișana și Moldova la 103 l/mp și în Oltenia și Maramureș la 102 l/mp.

Fried Cinnamon Roll Apple Turnovers - Tasty


Serves 9-10 turnovers

2 Granny Smith apples, chopped

2 tablespoons flour

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1½ tablespoons cinnamon

1 pack of 5 large cinnamon rolls

1 egg

Vegetable oil

Cinnamon sugar for coating


Heat 2 inches of vegetable oil in a pot to 350˚F/120˚C.

Pat chopped Granny Smith apples dry with paper towel.

Mix in brown sugar, cinnamon, and 1 tbsp of flour.

Open your cinnamon rolls and reserve icing.

Cut the cinnamon rolls in half and roll out each half into a 2 in x 2 in square. Place a dollop of icing and apple mixture onto the square.

Beat egg in a bowl and brush the sides of the square.

Fold the square into a turnover shape and seal closed with your finger, making sure to get the air out from inside.

Primp the edges with a fork.

Place turnovers into oil and fry for about 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown.

Toss in cinnamon sugar.

Serve and enjoy!

Orchestra Naţională Radio în Grevă japoneză. Artiştii cer salarii mai mari

Colectivul Orchestrei Naţionale Radio anunţă, printr-un comunicat de presă, că vineri, 24 martie, cu prilejul susţinerii concertului ce va avea loc la Sala Radio, începând cu ora 19.00, va protesta public, printr-o grevă japoneză.

În textul comunicatului se arată că: "Acesta va fi un prim semnal prin care ansamblul îşi exprimă nemulţumirea faţă de lipsa de apreciere din partea conducerii Societăţii Române de Radiodifuziune (SRR), reflectată în nivelul umilitor şi de neacceptat al salarizării membrilor acestui corp de artişti.

De asemenea, colectivul Orchestrei Naţionale Radio doreşte să atragă atenţia asupra discriminării salariale existente, nivelul salariilor formaţiilor muzicale ale SRR fiind, în prezent, chiar şi de trei ori mai mic faţă de cel al orchestrelor din ţară.

Colectivul solicită instituţiilor abilitate găsirea soluţiilor necesare pentru ca această gravă discriminare să înceteze, iar artiştii săi să ajungă la nivel similar de salarizare cu artiştii Filarmonicii «George Enescu», Operelor Naţionale şi al celorlalte instituţii de spectacole sau concerte."

Scapă de HEMOROIZI rapid cu un tratament 100% NATURIST făcut la tine în bucătărie!

Dacă suferi de MÂNCĂRIMI în această zonă, mergi în bucătărie, acolo E SOLUȚIA… Hemoroizii sunt de fapt părți ascunse din corp care ajută la eliminarea rezidurilor din organism. Uite cum poți scăpa ce aceste senzații neplăcute, cu c’teva soluții pe care le găsești în bucătărie. Iată 4 remedii naturiste pentru a ameliora simptomele provocate de hemoroizi.

1. Mușețel: Folosește florile de mușețel pentru a trata inflamația și umflătura. De asemenea, reduc riscul de apariție a cicatricilor. Folosește ceai de mușețel rece aplicat pe un tifon ca să calmezi zona dureroasă.

2. Uleiul din arborele de ceai: Studiile demonstrează că acest ulei reduce umflăturile. Amestecă 2 picături de ulei din arborele de ceai cu ulei de ricin sau de migdale și aplică-l pe zonele cu hemoroizi cu ajutorul unui tifon de vată. Fă acest lucru până când hemoroizii dispar.

3. Oțet de mere: Îmbibă puțină vată în oțet de mere și masează zona afectată. Vei simți efectele imediat.

Proprietatile magice ale sucului de morcovi

Stoarcerea fructelor si legumelor este calea rapida spre o sanatate optima. Folosirea legumelor si fructelor organice stoarse va permite sa consumati maximum de nutrienti din acestea decat daca le-ati gati. Masa de legume si fructe concentrata, in forma lichida este asimilata usor de organism, ceea ce face ca stoarcerea fructelor si legumelor sa fi o alternativa optima pentru fiecare zi.
Corpul este mult mai capabil sa asimileze nutrientii in celule, mai ales cand vegetalele nu sunt procesate si isi pastreaza enzimele proprii. Fructele si vegetalele crude detin enzimele atat de necesare corpului noatru pentru o asimilare optima.
Este foarte important sa se foloseasca un storcator la viteza cat mai joasa pentru a nu supraincalzi – datorita frecarii – si a distruge enzimele . Si de cele mai multe ori, astfel de storcatoare sunt mai ieftine si mai usor de curatat decat cele de viteza mare din comert.
Un lucru de remarcat pentru cei care fac in mod regulat astfel de sucuri. Morcovii sunt de obicei baza. De cele mai multe ori se folosesc in combinatie cu  mere, salate si verdeturi. Insa morcovii au avantajul de a nu fi perisabili ca verdeturile,  nu au nevoie de spatiu mare de depozitare si ofera mai mult suc – totul cu cheltuieli minime.
Morcovii sunt foarte buni ca si baza pentru sucuri de fructe si legume. Mai mult decat atat sunt deosebit de nutritivi si au proprietati vindecatoare.
Proprietatile nutritionale si vindecatoare ale sucului de morcovi

Cele doua componente evidente sunt vitamina A si betacarotenul. Poate nu stiati, dar e posibil ca vitamina A din suplimente sau uleiuri de peste sa fie toxica pentru unii oameni. Nu la fel  se intampla si cu Vitamina A din morcovi, sau plante in general, de care corpul nu poate avea niciodata prea multa.
Beta-carotenul este un antioxidant, de asemenea, important. Vitamina A si beta-carotenul ajuta la mentinerea vederii, impreuna cu proportia destul de buna a
morcovilor de luteina. Beta-carotenul sustine, de asemenea, tesutul epitelial, tesutul din jurul organelor interne. Tesuturile epiteliale sunt susceptibile la cresteri canceroase.
Morcovii sunt, de asemenea, bogati in antioxidantul falcarinol. Un studiu facut de Universitatea din Newcastle a demonstrat ca falcarinolul din morcov distruge celulele pre-canceroase in tumori. Morcovii ajuta la prevenirea cancerului.
Morcovii sunt legumele cu radacina profunda in sol, iar acest lucru le permite acestora sa absoarba o serie de minerale abundente. Ei sunt, de asemenea, bogati si in alte vitamine, inclusiv vitamina B si folati. Folatii sunt furnizorul natural si in conditii de siguranta de acid folic.
Lista de nutrienti nu se compara cu adevarat  cu capacitatea de regenerare reala a morcovilor, in special atunci cand sunt storsi. Evident, sinergia unica a enzimelor sale, vitamine, minerale si flavonoide ofera un remediu magic .
Consumul de suc de morcovi
Sucul de morcovi curata si reface ficatul. Ficatul este organul care detoxifica  corpul nostru  - fara de care am muri de la adunarile interne toxice . Sucul de morcovi a fost numit sucul vindecator de aur.
Dr. John Christopher, tatal herbalismului modern american, si-a exprimat uimirea pentru calitatilesucul de morcovi de vindecare ale sucului de morcov . Terapia Gerson, desfasurata astazi de catre fiica Dr. Max Gerson si nepotul sau, se bazeaza foarte mult pe morcovi proaspeti combinati cu sucuri de mere. Terapia Gerson trateaza cu succes pacientii cu cancer carora nu li se mai da nici o sansa .
Dr. Max Gerson a dezvoltat tratarea mai multor altor boli  prin abordarea lui dietetica si de detoxifiere . Pentru bolile critice, cel mai bun este sucul de morcovi cu cateva mere in timp ce se tine post de la alimentele solide pentru o vreme. De asemenea se fac clisme regulate.
Asa ca ia o gramada mare de morcovi. Acestia se pastreaza bine in frigider sau intr-o pivnita rece. Apoi, fa suc din ei adaugand cateva mere, telina, sfecla si utilizand un storcator de viteza lenta cu masticatie. Nu pastra sucul. Bea sucuri proaspate imediat dupa ce sunt stoarse.

MARŞ de amploare anunţat de Patriarhie pentru mâine: Mii de oameni sunt aşteptaţi în peste 285 de localităţi din România şi Republica Moldova

Patriarhia Română organizează sâmbătă, în ziua de Buna Vestire, marşul pentru viaţă, prin care se cere oprirea avorturilor şi susţinerea femeii şi a familiei. Marşul se va desfăşura în peste 285 de localităţi din România şi Republica Moldova.

Marşul pentru viaţă se va desfăşura în ziua sărbătorii Buna Vestire, sub genericul "Ajută Mama şi Copilul! Ei depind de tine!".

În Bucureşti, Marşul pentru viaţă se va desfăşura pe traseul Parcul Unirii - Parcul Tineretului, începând cu ora 12.30, iar la final va avea loc un concert de muzică uşoară, mai spune Patriarhia.

Marşul pentru viaţă reprezintă una dintre cele mai importante iniţiative civice prin care se contribuie la lupta împotriva avortului, iar Patriarhia Română îi îndeamnă pe oameni să participe în număr cât mai mare la acest marş.

Potrivit statisticilor, din 1958 până în 2014 au fost înregistrate doar în spitalele de stat din România 22.638.755 de avorturi. În prezent, se fac peste 200 de avorturi pe zi doar în spitalele de stat. De altfel, România se află pe locul doi în lume, după Rusia, în ceea ce priveşte numărul de avorturi raportat la populaţia existentă (116,5%).


ACCIDENT CUMPLIT în Alexandria! O POLIŢISTĂ, mamă a doi copii, a murit strivită, iar un coleg al ei a fost grav rănit. Medicii au încercat o oră manevre de resuscitare

O poliţistă din cadrul IPJ Teleroman a murit şi un coleg al acesteia a fost grav rănit într-un accident produs, vineri seară, pe centura municipiului Alexandria, după ce maşina în care se aflau a intrat într-o betonieră.

Poliţistul, în vârstă de 30 de ani, se afla la volanul unui autoturism şi circula pe drumul judeţean 703 Mavrodin - Buzescu, iar la intersecţia cu centura municipiului Alexandria nu a oprit la indicatorul Stop şi a intrat într-o betonieră. În urma impactului, amândoi au rămas încarceraţi poliţista fiind declarată moartă după aproximativ o oră de manevre de resuscitare.

Colegul său este extrem de grav rănit, fiind dus la spital la Alexandria.

Conform unor surse, femeia, în vârstă de 35 de ani, mamă a doi copii mici, fusese recrutată în Poliţie recent din sursă externă şi ea, împreună cu colegul său, veneau de la cursuri de specializare.

Circulaţia rutieră pe centura municipiului Alexandria este restricţionată, desfăşurându-se alternativ pe un singur fir.

Centrul Infotrafic al Poliţiei Române recomandă şoferilor autovehiculelor care circulă dinspre Roşiori ruta ocolitoare: DJ703 Buzescu- Nanov - Alexandria.Conducătorii auto sunt sfătuiţi să respecte cu stricteţe indicaţiile poliţiştilor rutieri prezenţi la locul accidentului. Poliţiştii  estimează reluarea circulaţiei rutiere, în condiţii normale, în aproximativ o oră.

Două mii de poliţisti care au protestat în faţa MAI au plecat în marş spre Guvern

Poliţiştii care au protestat în faţa Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, cerând majorarea salariilor, au plecat în marş, la ora transmiterii acestei ştiri, spre Guvern. Numărul lor a ajuns la aproximativ 2.000.

Poliţiştii care au protestat în faţa Ministerului Afacerilor Interne au plecat în marş spre Guvern. Numărul lor a ajuns la 2.000

Poliţiştii care au protestat în faţa Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, cerând majorarea salariilor, au plecat în marş, la ora transmiterii acestei ştiri, spre Guvern. Numărul lor a ajuns la aproximativ 2.000.

Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu este blocat pe sensul de mers spre Piaţa Romană.

Update 10:15 Numărul poliţiştilor care protestează în faţa Ministerului Afacerilor Interne depăşeşte o mie

Numărul poliţiştilor protestează în faţa Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, cerând majorarea salariilor, a ajuns, la ora transmiterii acestei ştiri, la peste o mie.

Participanţii la protest au cântat imnul naţional ”Deşteaptă-te române!”. Ei au ţinut şi un moment de reculegere în memoria poliţiştilor căzuţi la datorie.

Organizatorii protestului au amplasat şi scenă, de pe care Dumitru Coarnă, liderul Sindicatului Naţional al Poliţiştilor şi al Personalului Contractual (SNPPC), le-a vorbit protestatarilor.

”La baza societăţii stau trei mari piloni: ordinea publică, educaţia şi sănătatea, în această ordine. Statul român trebuie să îşi asume, să înţeleagă că noi ne-am asumat un război cu infracţionalitatea, dar trebuie să fim răsplătiţi pe măsură”, a spus Coarnă.

Poliţiştii prezenţi la protest suflă în fluiere şi vuvuzele şi au pancarte cu mesaje precum: "Modernizaţi sediile/posturile de poliţie", "Muncă suplimentară neplătită=sclavie", "Vreţi să oferiţi servicii europene cu salarii de 2 bani?", "Raportăm: plouă în posturile de poliţie".

Ei cer majorarea salariilor, eliminarea diferenţelor mari de salarizare dintre agenţi şi ofiţeri, plata sporurilor la nivelul salariului minim brut de 1.450 de lei, şi nu la cel din 2009, precum şi modificarea unor prevederi privind programul de lucru şi repausul săptămânal.

La protest sunt aşteptaţi peste 7.000 de poliţişti, atât din Bucureşti, cât şi din alte oraşe, care ar urma să plece în marş, în jurul orei 12.00, spre Piaţa Victoriei şi să continue manifestaţia în faţa Guvernului.

În zona centrală a Capitalei sunt restricţii de trafic începând cu ora 8.00, când a fost restricţionat traficul rutier, progresiv, pe Şoseaua Kiseleff, între Strada Arhitect Ion Mincu şi Piaţa Victoriei. Începând cu ora 9.00, au fost impuse restricţii de trafic şi pe Strada Academiei, între Strada Ion Câmpineanu şi Strada Dem I. Dobrescu.

În Piaţa Victoriei, traficul se va desfăşura pe două benzi de circulaţie pe sens, în faţa clădirii Guvernului, între Bulevardul Aviatorilor şi Calea Victoriei, respectiv Bulevardul Lascăr Catargiu, iar traficul rutier de pe Strada Paris şi de pe Bulevardul Iancu de Hunedoara va direcţionat către Bulevardul Aviatorilor.

NBA Star J.R. Smith's Baby Daughter Dakota's Breathing Tube Removed

.R. Smith and his wife Jewel Harris' miracle baby Dakota reached an enormous milestone: her breathing tube has been removed.

Jewel gave birth to Dakota, also known as "Kota Bear," in January, almost five months before her due date. Baby Dakota weighed only one pound at birth, but after months of hard work, the Cleveland Cavaliers' guard's baby reached a point where she could breathe without a tube. Jewel took to her and her husband's website to emotionally detail the exciting moment the nurse told her Kota Bear was "not intubated" anymore.

"I mean I was beyond excited to hold our 2lb 13oz miracle in the palm of my hands for the very first time," she wrote.

"What some mothers get to experience within the first 2 minutes of giving birth I had to wait 78 days but, what I will say is it was worth the wait because those very feelings, emotions and joy that took over my body trumps it all."

She added, "I kissed her little cheeks, smelled her neck, gazed into her eyes and just smiled at life...this life...her life that has now become our life! To God Be The Glory...I thank you."

The couple first revealed the news in an emotional video for Interrupted. On the verge of tears, Jewel explained, "We know we're not the only family going through this, who has been through this, and who will ever go through it. That's why we decided to share what we're going through with you guys. Please keep us in your prayers and we'll do the same for everyone else."
The NBA player and his wife, who wed in August 2016, announced they were expecting in October. J.R. and Jewel also share two daughters together named Demi and Peyton.

Our thoughts continue to go out to J.R. and his family.

The Bachelor Turns 15: Stars Recall Craziest Moments and Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Secrets

Plenty of hijinks ensue on-camera during The Bachelor, but the craziness continues well after the director yells, "Cut!"

The popular dating reality show celebrates its 15th anniversary Saturday.

"I feel like we are just getting started," executive producer Elan Gale told E! News. "It's never been a better time to be part of Bachelor Nation and I wouldn't be surprised if we were having this conversation 15 years from now."

In honor of the dating show's anniversary, several past contestants of the series and its spinoffs shared with E! News their memories of particularly outrageous televised moments and also revealed some crazy behind-the-scenes secrets from their time on the shows.

Craziest On-Air Moments:

Courtney Robertson, winner of The Bachelor season 16 (2012): "The moment I was flying a helicopter for the final rose, not knowing if I was getting engaged or getting dumped."
Courtney Robertson, The BachelorABC
Ben Flajnik, contestant on The Bachelorette season seven (2011), The Bachelor season 16 (2012) and Robertson's ex: "I think the craziest thing that happened (aside from the proposal) was climbing up the Bay Bridge with Emily [O'Brien]. Trying to focus on your feet while a helicopter buzzed around your head is pretty nerve-racking."

Tenley Molzahn, contestant on The Bachelor season 14 (2010), Bachelor Pad season one (2010) and Bachelor in Paradise season two (2015): "I'll stick with the most recent. In Paradise when Juelia [Kinney] got stung by a jellyfish and I really tried to figure out how to pee on her foot!"
Bachelor in Paradise, Jellyfish StingABC
Bachelor in Paradise, Jellyfish StingABC
Bachelor in Paradise, Jellyfish StingABC
Alexis Waters, contestant on this past The Bachelor season 21: "Making it past the first night!"

Jef Holm, winner of The Bachelorette season eight (2012) and Maynard's ex: "One crazy memory I have from the show is after night one, when all the guys moved into the house, we had a giant party and ended up throwing everything in the pool. Everything from food & peoples clothes to furniture in the all went in. We woke up the next morning and the producers weren't very happy with us."

Courtney Robertson: "The roses in front of the Bachelor mansion are fake."

Ben Flajnik: "It's really hard to remember everyone's name the first night and the rose ceremony is no different. During the taping of the rose ceremony, you memorize five names, signal to the producer that you're done, and go memorize five more. So on and so on. It gets easier as the night goes on."

Tenley Molzahn: "The amount of time couples actually really spend together [is minimal]. Really, in the end the lead has probably spent a total of 72 hours with the last two people! Crazy!"

Alexis Waters: "The girls actually empower each other even though we are dating the same man, which is kind of awkward."
The Bachelor, SharkABC
The Bachelor, Erica RoseABC
Erica Rose, contestant on The Bachelor season nine (2006) and Bachelor Pad seasons two and three (2011 and 2012): "We sometimes only sleep three or four hours a night and that's a huge contributing factor that really does drive you that's why when Corinne [Olympios] was like taking naps, I'm like, I don't blame her!"

"Also, I had a two-on-one date on my season and I got sent home. The producers jumped in my car and they were like, 'We don't want you to leave, you need to come back.' I'm like, 'That's so embarrassing, I just got eliminated.' But they did have me come back and instead of competing for [The Bachelor star Prince Lorenzo Borghese], they had me judging a contest between the other girls and deciding who gets the date—and actually they didn't even let me pick! They said let winners of the contest be Jen [Wilson] and Sadie [Murray] and they were the final two!"

Amanda Seyfried Gives Birth to First Child With Thomas Sadoski

Congratulations to newlyweds Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski...they're new parents now, too!

A rep for the actress confirms the couple welcomed their first child together. The Mamma Mia star gave birth to a baby girl.

We first confirmed Seyfried's pregnancy in November after she stepped out for Givenchy's new fragrance and debuted her baby bump. Then, earlier this month at The Last Word premiere—the couple's first film together—they talked openly with E! News' Marc Malkin about welcoming her first child into the world.

"I'm ready to go," Seyfried admitted at the time. "I'm ready to meet the kid!"

Sadoski quipped, "I'm terrified but I couldn't be more excited." He also noted, "She gets the singing. I do the diaper changing."
Thomas Sadoski, Amanda SeyfriedKevin Winter/Getty Images
Seyfried had been open about wanting a child for several years.

In fact, in August 2015, she opened up in Marie Claire UK and joked that she needed to "get on it."

"I keep feeling like my eggs are dying off. I need to get on it… I want a child. Badly. I want to be a mother, badly," she shared. "That's what I feel. I've been feeling it for like, two years. I'm not ready but nobody's ready. It changes everything… so how you can ever be ready for that?"

Well, it looks like she found someone who's finally ready!

Speaking of, Sadoski and Seyfried tied the knot in a secret ceremony earlier this month.
Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski Have Secretly Wed
"We eloped," Sadoski announced on The Late Late Show last week, showing off his wedding band and revealing that the ceremony took place March 12. "We just took off into the country with an officiant and just the two of us, and we did our thing…We had a great day. It was perfect."

According to Sadoski, they both wrote their own vows and recited them in front of Seyfried's dog, Finn, who was in attendance.
Amanda Seyfried, Thomas SadoskiMichael Wright/
"She's the person I love, admire, respect most in the world," he said before describing the ceremony. "It was beautiful. It was everything that it should be. It was just the two of us talking to each other."

The couple first met while working together on the off-Broadway show The Way We Get By, but didn't spark romance rumors until they were spotted walking back to their trailers together in Pasadena, Calif., while working on The Last Word. Then, in September, E! News confirmed they were engaged, and Seyfried was spotted out and about with her minimalist, gold engagement ring.

Sadoski was previously married to Kimberly Hope for eight years before they divorced in 2015. Seyfried, on the other hand, had been linked to Justin Long, but they broke up in September 2015.

4 metode simple de a stimula sistemul limfatic

Toata lumea stie ca sistemul circulator are o componenta centrala faimoasa si foarte iubita numita inima. Inima lucreaza non-stop pe tot parcursul vietii, realizand circulatia sangelui.  Spre deosebire de sistemul circulator, sistemul limfatic nu beneficieaza de un asemenea organ central care sa functioneze ca o pompa. Vasele prin care curge limfa sunt unidirectionale impiedicand-o sa se intoarca, dar circulatia ei  depinde de miscare.
Sangele aduce nutrienti si oxigen catre celule iar limfa preia deseurile si alte resturi si componente preiculoase precum virusii. Daca limfa nu este pusa in miscare, celulele care sunt imbaiate in limfa, nu pot fi curatate pentru ca nutrientii sa ajunga la ele.
Patru metode simple pentru a pune limfa in miscare sunt urmatoarele :
Respiratia din diafragma
Respiratia adanca si din diafragma este probabil cel mai bun mod de a pune limfa in miscare. Inspirati usor si adanc impangand burta afara iar apoi expirati la fel de incet lasand in mod natural aerul sa iasa afara complet.  In jur de 60% dintre nodurile limfatice asa cum am mai discutat pe larg si in alt material, se alfa chiar sub diafragma, de unde si ideea ca singurul mod de a pune in miscare limfa in mod continuu este o respiratie corecta.
Masajulsistemul limfatic
Masajul limfatic este un procedeu ce este facut de specialistii terapeuti. Cu toate astea acesta poate fi executat de catre oricine sub forma unui masaj bland.  Ideea este de a aplica foarte putina presiune pe piele pentru a stimula miscarea limfei prin capilarele limfatice ce sunt localizate chiar sub piele. Masati pielea in directia inimii.
Exercitii pe trampolina
O trampolina este un mod foarte bun si distractiv de exercitiu fizic. Simplul mers pe trampolina, fara a ridica macar picioarele de pe aceasta va pune in miscare sistemul limfatic. Acest exercitiu se poate face simplu si fara trampolina balansandu-ne pe varfurile picoarelor.  De unde ne dam seama ca practic mersul pe jos este un alt mod natural de a pune limfa in miscare. Daca obisnuiti sa va plimbati in parc, sau in alta parte, incercati asa zisul  „power walk”, adica sa mergeti dar intr-un ritm mai alert, undeva intre mers si alergatul usor. Este demonstrat ca „power walk-ul” este mai eficicient pentru cei ce vor sa slabeasca iar pe langa asta este mai comod si mai usor de facut punand mai putina presiune pe articulatii. Defapt orice miscare a corpului pune limfa in miscare, chiar si rasul !
Folosirea uleiului de ricin
„Nu exista nici un medicament care sa poata imbunatatii miscarea limfatica, cu toate astea acest lucru poate fi  realizat cu usurinta prin aplicarea pe piele a uleiului de ricin” , spune Dr. David G Williams. Pentru o stimulare cat mai buna,  aplicarea uleiului de ricin este bine sa se faca pe partea inferioara a abdomenului si /sau pe ficat. Folositi o compresa din vata sau o panza, inmuiati bine in ulei , inveliti intr-o bucata de plastic sa nu curga apoi intr-un prosop mai vechi pentru mai multa protectie si aplicati deasupra o sticla cu apa calda. Caldura va inteti efectul uleiului. Compresa poate fi tinuta si toata noaptea daca este nevoie.  Datorita proprietatilor antibacteriale ale uleiului de ricin, aceeasi compresa poate fi folosita de mai multe ori la rand.

De ce femeile trebuie să își acopere capul atunci când intră în biserică

Foarte multe femei își acoperă capul atunci când merg la biserică, fără să știe de ce este nevoie să facă un astfel de gest.

Încă din trecut s-a răspândit ideea că femeia trebuie să poarte mereu ceva pe cap atunci când intră în biserică, în timp ce bărbatului îi este total interzis acest lucru. Tradiția se respectă și în zilele noastre, acest lucru fiind influențat foarte tare și de locul în care aleg să meargă credincioasele. Dacă în anumite lăcașuri de cult femeile nu pot intra sub nicio formă cu capul descoperit, în altele preoții sunt mai permisivi și lasă ca acest lucru să fie decis de fiecare femeie în parte.

În esență, acest obicei își are originile într-un articol din Biblie care vorbește despre acest lucru. Cel care a scris despre asta este Apostolul Pavel, potrivit ” Orice bărbat care se roagă sau prorocește, având capul acoperit, necinstește capul său (pe Hristos), iar orice femeie care se roagă sau prorocește, cu capul neacoperit, îşi necinstește capul, că este la fel cu cea rasă. Căci dacă o femeie nu-și pune văl pe cap, atunci să se şi tundă. Iar dacă este lucru de ruşine pentru femeie ca să se tundă ori să se radă, să-şi pună văl. Căci bărbatul nu trebuie să-şi acopere capul, fiind chip şi slavă a lui Dumnezeu, femeia  însă, este slava bărbatului. Pentru că nu bărbatul este din femeie, ci femeia din bărbat. Şi pentru că n-a fost zidit bărbatul pentru femeie, ci femeia pentru bărbat.  De aceea şi femeia este datoare să aibă [semn de] supunere asupra capului ei, pentru îngeri. ”

Pe lângă această explicație, se consideră că femeile în vârstă și cele tinere, dar căsătorite trebuie să își acopere capul și pentru a nu îi ispiti pe bărbați, acesta fiind motivul pentru care tinerelor singure le este permis să intre în biserică având capul descoperit. Atunci când merg la biserică, femeile pot alege să poarte pe cap fie tradiționalul batic, fie pot să îl înlocuiască cu o pălărie sau un șal. Preoții explică că biserica este un loc sfânt și special, total diferit de orice alt loc public, motiv pentru care în acest spațiu ținuta pe care o purtăm trebuie să fie una decentă


1 Usturoiul conţine alicina, un component cu multe proprietăţi medicinale. Usturoiul face parte din familia Allium (ceapă)
Usturoiul se înrudeşte cu ceapă, salota şi prazul. Creşte în mai toate părţile lumii şi este folosit în aproape orice bucătărie, fiind apreciat pentru mirosul şi gustul lui deosebite. În trecut, însă, usturoiul era apreciat mai ales datorită numeroaselor sale proprietăţi medicinale.

Cercetătorii au găsit menţionări ale caracteristicilor usturoiului că medicament în arhivele culturilor egiptene, babiloniene, greceşti, române şi chineze. Cele mai recente cercercetari arată că cele mai multe beneficii ale usturoiului se datorează unui anumit compus din sulf (alicina) care se formează în timpul procesării mecanice a grăunţelor de usturoiu, fie că acestea sunt tocate, zdrobite sau mestecate. Alicina este cea care face că usturoiul să aibă acel miros puternic.

Alicina intră în corp prin sistemul digestiv şi de aici este distribuită în toate părţile corpului unde începe să îşi exercitae proprietăţile sale uluitoare.

2 Usturoiul are puţine calorii şi un conţinut mare de nutrienţi
Nu aveţi idee de cantitatea de nutrienţi pe care o are usturoiul. Numai 28 de grame de usturoi este echilaventul a:

-Mangan: 23% din ADR
– Vitamina B6: 17% din ADR
– Vitamina C: 15% din ADR
– Seleniu: 6% din ADR
– Fibre: 1 gr
– Calciu, cupru, potasiu, fosfor, fier şi vitamina B1
28 de grame de usturoi sunt echivalentul a 42 de calorii, 1.8 grame de proteine şi 9 grame de carbohidraţi.

3 Usturoiul lupta împotriva bolilor şi răcelilor
Usturoiul întăreşte imunitatea. Potrivit unor studii, usturoiul scade riscul răcelii cu 63%. Fie că alegeţi să îl consumaţi în varianta raw, fie că alegeţi să luaţi suplimente de usturoi, acesta este nemaipoment împotriva răcelilor şi gripei.

4 Usturoiul are în componentă să substanţe active care reglează tensiunea arterială
Atacurile şi bolile de inima se numără printre principalele cauze ale deceselor în întreagă lume. Studiile arată că o doză de 600 – 1500 mg de usturoi este la fel de puternică, că Atenolul. Într–adevăr, trebuie consumată o doză mare de usturoi pentru a obţine rezultatele dorite, anume scăderea tensiunii arteriale şi prevenirea atacurilor inimii.

5 Usturoiul reglează nivelul de colesterol şi reduce, astfel, riscul bolilor de inima
Suplimentele cu usturoi scad nivelul colesterolului rău cu 10-15%. Este bine să ştim că usturoiul nu numai că reduce nivelul colesterolului rău, dar lasă neatins nivelul

6 Antioxidanţii din componentă usturoiului previn Alzheimer-ul şi demenţă
Radicalii liberi cauzează enorm sănătăţii noastre. Antioxidanţii din usturoi întăresc mecanismele de apărare ale organismului nostru. Suplimentele de usturoi pot creşte enzimele antioxidante şi pot diminua stresul oxidativ al pacienţilor care se lupta cu hipertensiunea. Abilitatea usturoiului de a reduce nivelul colesterolului rău şi tensiunea arterialăîmpreună cu potenţialul sau antioxidant, ajută la prevenirea bolii Alzheimer, demenţei şi altor boli ale creierului.

7 Usturoiul creşte durata de viaţă a ficatului
Usturoiul ne ajută să ne menţinem ficatul mai sănătos, lupta împotriva infecţiilor şi întăreşte sistemul imunitar. Graţie tuturor acestor puteri ale usturoiului, vom fi per total mai sănătoşi şi vom trăi mai mult.

8 Usturoiul îmbunătăţeşte performanţă atletică
În culturile antice, usturoiul era folosit pentru reducerea oboselii şi pentru a oferi mai multă energie muncitorilor. Şi în Grecia Antică, atleţii olimpici obişnuiau să consume usturoi. În prezent au fost făcute numeroase studii care au arătat că usturoiul ţine sub control bătăile inimii şi atleţii devin mai rezistenţi în atrenamentele lor.

9 Consumul regulat de usturoi ajută la eliminarea metalelor grele
Administrat în doze mai mari, alicina din usturoi ne ajută să scăpăm de toxicitatea metalică din corp. Trei doze de usturoi pe zi sunt mai puternice decât D-penicilină. Aşadar, usturoiul ne ajută să scăpăm de metalele grele, de durerile de cap şi de tensiunea arterială ridicată.

10 Usturoiul întăreşte oasele
Se spune că în cazul femeilor, usturoiul creşte nivelul de estrogen din corp şi fortifică astfel oasele. Usturoiul, dar şi ceapă, ajută în vindecarea osteoartritei.

11 Usturoiul este incredibil de gustos şi trebuie neapărat introdus în alimentaţia curentă
Nu se numără printre proprietăţile medicinale, dar merită menţionat că usturoiul este foarte gustos consumat în formă naturală sau pus în mâncărurile pe care le preparam. Ceea ce trebuie să reţinem este că dacă vrem să ne bucurăm de proprietăţile usturoiului şi de alicina din componentă să, trebuie să-l zdrobim înainte de a-l consumă. În ceea ce priveşte modalitatea de consum a usturoiului, limita este acolo unde vi se opresc imaginaţia şi creativitatea…

This Five-Cheese Mac 'N' Cheese Is Literally Everything You've Been Dreaming Of


1 box of elbow macaroni

1 12-ounce can evaporated milk

3 eggs

½ cup unsalted butter

2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded and divided

1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded

2 tablespoons feta cheese, crumbled

1 cup provolone cheese, cut into small pieces

½ cup smoked Gouda cheese, shredded

4 teaspoons salt, divided

2 teaspoons black pepper


Preheat oven to 350˚F/180˚C.

In a large pot or dutch oven, cook macaroni according to package directions, salting the water with 2 teaspoons of salt. Drain and return to the warm pot.

Add butter to warm macaroni and mix until melted. Season with the remaining salt and pepper.

Add 1 cup of cheddar, mozzarella, provolone, Gouda, and feta cheese. Mix well.

Add eggs and evaporated milk, mix until fully incorporated.

Transfer to a 9x13-inch baking dish and top with the remaining cheddar cheese.

Bake in a preheated oven for 40–45 minutes, until the top has nicely browned.


CURS VALUTAR - 25 Martie 2017

vineri, 24 martie 2017

The View vs. The Talk: A History of Daytime TV Talk Show Trash-Talking

The View, The Talk...the shade.

The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg got fired up this week after The Talk's Sara Gilbert mispronounced a few names of co-hosts of two rival daytime talk shows—Goldberg's and The Real, while talking about all the programs' 2017 Daytime Emmy nominations. Gilbert later apologized on the air, saying she was nervous when she made the blunders.

This incident marked the latest to fuel what appears to be a growing rivalry between The View and The Talk.

The View debuted in 1997 and was created by Barbara Walters, who left the co-hosts' panel in 2014. The Talk debuted in 2010 and was co-created by Gilbert, while Julie Chen serves as moderator. When The Talk premiered, many eyebrows were raised because its format was identical to The View's—a panel of women debating political and social topics and interviewing celebrity guests.

The View has won 30 Daytime Emmys since its debut on ABC, most recently in 2011. The Talk, which airs on rival network CBS, has won four but unlike The View, it has never won Outstanding Talk Show / Entertainment or Outstanding Entertainment Talk Show Host. Both shows are nominated for the awards this year.

Co-hosts have rarely talked about their rival show publicly. Check out some past incidents:
Joy Behar, The ViewABC
Joy Behar: "We are mothers too...and Sharon Osbourne's a role model?": The Talk was initially touted as a meeting ground for women and especially mothers. Veteran The View co-host and acerbic comedienne Joy Behar was unimpressed.

"I have news for those mothers on The Talk," she told Parade magazine in 2010. "We are mothers too on The View—every single one of us. So what are they talking about? And Sharon Osbourne's a role model? That's television for you! They don't want people who are normal. Train wrecks are everything."
Sharon OsbourneAlex Huckle/Getty Images
Sharon Osbourne: Everyone But Barbara Walters "Can Go F--k Themselves": In 2013, the co-host of The Talk drew controversy when she threw some serious shade at most of the stars of The View while she and her co-stars appeared on The Arsenio Hall Show.

When they were asked about the differences between the daytime talk shows, Osbourne said, "This is the situation. The situation is Barbara: Idolize her, divine, she is super-human. I love Barbara Walters. The rest can go f--k themselves."

Osbourne later issued a public apology on The Talk.

"I have to own this. I'm fully responsible for myself. Some of the time," she said. "Unfortunately, I was inappropriate, and I was trying to be funny at someone else's expense, and it was the ladies of The Talk. We were asked a question about The Talk."

"The View, you mean," Gilbert added.

"See? I'm not well!" Osbourne replied. "I'm not responsible. I'm really just a loose cannon. Anyway, I want to apologize to Jenny, Sherri [Shepherd] and Whoopi, who are all accomplished, self-made women who have amazing careers. They have achieved so much. I mean, Whoopi is an Oscar winner. Who am I to say anything about Whoopi, any of the ladies?"

"I respect Jenny as a mother, as a woman, as an artist. Sherri, too," Osbourne said. "And really, I can't even get the name of my own show right. So please understand, it was my irreverent behavior, and no disrespect meant. And I'm not a person who is mean, I'm really not. And I apologize."

Julie Chen: "I Should Know All the Names of the Hosts and I Don't": In December 2016, Andy Cohen asked Chen on Watch What Happens Live for her reaction to a PageSix article that stated that Walters feels show execs "ruined the franchise that she and Bill Geddie built" by casting "uninformed child actors on the show" rather than focus on "smart, educated women with strong talent."

The story appeared to reference Full House alum Candace Cameron Bure and The Cosby Show and That's So Raven alum Raven-Symoné, who had weeks prior announced they were leaving their jobs as co-hosts on the show, marking the latest in a series of cast shakeups.

"I believed every word I read in PageSix," Chen told Cohen. "I do think Barbara Walters is probably like, 'This amazing show I created is now just kind of withering away with a revolving door of hosts that people can't keep straight.' I mean, I should know all the names of the hosts and I don't because it changes so often!"

Julie Chen Disapproves of Jenny McCarthy on The View: McCarthy joined The View panel in 2013 after Behar and right-leaning co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck departed the show. McCarthy left after one season and Behar returned in 2015.

In a 2013 interview on The Howard Stern Show on Sirius XM, Howard Stern asked Chen if she thought it was a mistake to hire McCarthy.

"Yes, and I'll tell you why I think so," Chen replied. "Because what made The View so popular and so good was that you had five different women from different walks of life discussing politics. And when they, whatever happened, when Joy left and when Elisabeth left and they got Jenny in, I think they were trying to lighten the mood at the table—more gossip, more fun, more laughs. Jenny is beautiful and funny and talented and smart."

"And what happened was, in my opinion, The View doesn't know what it is now. It's lost its way," she continued. "What put them on the map and made them good and famous, they don't do that anymore. and no one wants to hear Jenny McCarthy talk about the mayoral race or politics, they don't. That's not what you put Jenny McCarthy on for."

Osbourne, who also appeared on the show, said The View was now "kind of all over the place."

Chen told Stern The Talk is more gossip-oriented than The View, adding, "We said from the get-go we are not here to discuss politics. We never debate politics. You cannot win. The View did it, we didn't want to compete with them on that level because they did it well."

The co-hosts said McCarthy would have been better for The Talk.
The Talk, Daytime Emmy Awards 2012Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Pseudo Shade: While presenting at the 2012 Daytime Emmy Awards, the co-hosts of The Talk introduced themselves as co-hosts of The View.

"And I'm Elisabeth Hasselbeck!" said Sheryl Underwood, drawing laughs.

Inside Reese Witherspoon's 41st Birthday Party: Best Friends, Rosé Toasts, Cupcakes and More

Reese Witherspoon rang in her 41st birthday on Wednesday, and her closest girlfriends made sure to turn the event into an extra special day.

E! News can confirm the actress celebrated with a group of friends, including Molly Sims and bestie Shannon Rotenberg, at the Hotel Bel Air.

"All the ladies were seated in a private section of the patio for afternoon tea and dessert," our source said. "There were beautiful fruit trays, pastries and Sprinkles cupcakes courtesy of Reese's friend Candace Nelson."

The insider added, "Everyone celebrated Reese, toasting her with glasses of rosé and singing Happy Birthday."

After finishing dessert, we learned that "many of the girls retreated to to the La Prairie Spa at the hotel for an afternoon of treatments."

Witherspoon stayed until the early evening and eventually left "with extra birthday cake and a beautiful rose flower arrangements from the table."

Of course, the actress' clothing company Draper James also made sure to celebrate the star by designing a limited-edition birthday dress. She took to Instagram to gush over the ensemble.
"Feeling so much birthday love today! Thank you!!! I am one lucky gal," she wrote, adding, "(Even @draperjames made me my own dress!)"

Happy birthday, again, to the beautiful star!

Here's Why Amy Schumer Is Dropping Out of the Barbie Live-Action Movie

Amy Schumer is no longer a Barbie girl in a Barbie world.

More than three months after it was announced that the actress would take on the role in an upcoming live-action film, E! News can confirm a change of plans.

"Sadly, I'm no longer able to commit to Barbie due to scheduling conflicts," Amy said in a statement. "The film has so much promise, and Sony and Mattel have been great partners. I'm bummed, but look forward to seeing Barbie on the big screen."

A Sony spokesperson also confirmed the news expressing no hard feelings.

"We respect and support Amy's decision," the statement said. "We look forward to bringing Barbie to the world and sharing updates on casting and filmmakers soon."

When the casting was first announced, Deadline reported that the film will center on an imperfect Barbie who lives in Barbieland among the 180-plus Barbie characters, but doesn't quite fit the mold of the others.

Due to the fact that this Barbie is a bit eccentric, she ends up getting kicked out of Barbieland, essentially because she's not perfect enough.

After leaving Barbieland, she ends up in the real world and makes all types of new discoveries, causing her to have an important realization: The only key to happiness is to love yourself and stop trying to climb toward an unattainable standard of perfection.
Ultimately, Amy originally faced some backlash once the news broke that she would play Barbie. In an Instagram post, though, the actress shared a message to all the "trolls" providing unnecessary noise.

"Very very honored to be nominated for 2 Grammys and to be considered to play an important and evolving icon. Is it fat shaming if you know you're not fat and have zero shame in your game? I don't think so," she wrote. "I am strong and proud of how I live my life and say what I mean and fight for what I believe in and I have a blast doing it with the people I love. Where's the shame? It's not there. It's an illusion."

She continued, "Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support and again my deepest sympathy goes out to the trolls who are in more pain than we will ever understand. I want to thank them for making it so evident that I am a great choice."

Casting JonBenét Trailer Reveals Netflix's Take on the 20-Year-Old Murder

The entertainment world isn't quite done with JonBenét Ramsey. After various specials, including ones on CBS and Investigation Discovery and a Lifetime movie, Netflix is coming out with Casting JonBenét.

The hybrid documentary from director Kitty Green is billed as a "stylized exploration of the world's most sensation child-murder case." Ramesy was found murdered in her home on December 26, 1996 and speculation swirled around her family, John, Patsy and Burke Ramsey.

Casting JonBenét features local actors auditioning for the key roles of the Ramsey family and those in the family's orbit while relaying their accounts of the murder. The actors will share their memories and experiences surrounding the young girl's death.

After The Case Of: JonBenét Ramsey on CBS, Burke Ramsey filed a $750 million defamation lawsuit. Experts on the miniseries, including Dr. Werner Spitz, theorized it was possible that Burke killed his sister and his parents helped cover up the crime. In response to the lawsuit, CBS said it "stands by the broadcast and will do so in court."
Burke Ramsey appeared on Dr. Phil in September and responded to theories he killed his sister. In response to chatter that he seemed "unbothered" by his sister's death while conversing with detectives, Burke said, "Yeah, well, I can tell you I was very emotional with the attorneys. I would just randomly cry out of nowhere. I guess it's a combination of sitting in there with this weird guy that I never talked to before and asking me all of these personal questions, it's a combination of that and just kind some point you have to move on. I'm not saying I moved on then. It might have been kind of the other end. I didn't really get it. You have to stop crying at some point, I guess."

Casting JonBenét premieres on Netflix on Friday, April 28.

Carrie Fisher's Death Will Not Change Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Princess Leia lives.

After Carrie Fisher's passing in December 2016, many moviegoers wondered whether it would affect Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which she had completed filming prior to her death. "When we bought Lucasfilm, we were going to make three films—Episodes VII, VIII and IX," Disney CEO Bob Iger said Thursday. "We had to deal with tragedy at the end of 2016. Carrie appears throughout VIII. We are not changing VIII to deal with her passing. Her performance remains as it is in VIII. In Rogue One, we had some digital character, [but] we're not doing that with Carrie."
Iger's comments echoed those made by Lucasfilm two months ago. "We don't normally respond to fan or press speculation, but there is a rumor circulating that we would like to address. We want to assure our fans that Lucasfilm has no plans to digitally recreate Carrie Fisher's performance as Princess or General Leia Organa. Carrie Fisher was, is, and always will be a part of the Lucasfilm family. She was our princess, our general, and more importantly, our friend. We are still hurting from her loss," the studio said at the time. "We cherish her memory and legacy as Princess Leia, and will always strive to honor everything she gave to Star Wars."

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, from writer-director Rian Johnson, is scheduled for a Dec. 15 release. John Boyega, Gwendoline Christie, Anthony Daniels, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Mark Hamill, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Daisy Ridley and Andy Serkis will reprise their roles from 2015's wildly popular blockbuster Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Benicio Del Toro, Laura Dern and Kelly Marie Tran, meanwhile, have joined the ensemble cast in new, unspecified roles.

Iger, who was speaking at the Scale: The Future of Tech and Entertainment conference in Santa Monica, recently extended his contract with Disney through 2019. Under his leadership, the Star Wars universe will only get bigger. "We're starting talk about what could happen after Episode IX," Iger shared. "About what could be another decade-and-a-half of Star Wars stories."
And he wasn't just talking about movies.

The planned Star Wars Lands (in both Anaheim and Orlando) will include an experience that would allow park guests to get into the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon "and go for a joyrides."

Iger also spoke about the untitled Han Solo film starring Alden Ehrenreich, slated for a May 25, 2018 release. The story will take place as Han ages from 18 to 24 and will show him acquiring his spaceship the Millennium Falcon, meeting his partner Chewbacca and "getting his name." Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are directing the movie, scheduled for a May 25, 2018 bow.

Donald Glover will play a young Lando Calrissian, while Woody Harrelson announced on The Tonight Show Wednesday that he will play a "criminal" and "mentor" to Han named Beckett. Emilia Clarke, Thandie Newton and Phoebe Waller-Bridge are also part of the all-star cast.

Christina El Moussa Goes on a Date With a Mystery Man

Christina El Moussa and contractor Gary Anderson might have split, but E! News can exclusively reveal she might not be single for long.

The Flip or Flop star was spotted on a date with a mystery man at the Anaheim Ducks hockey game Thursday night. Hours after teasing her matching bikini photo shoot with her daughter. An eyewitness tells E! News exclusively that the pair sat rink-side on the glass and stayed until the very end of the game.

"She was in a really good mood," the insider shares. "They were standing together, clapping alone and with everyone else."

After El Moussa and her ex-husband Tarek El Moussa made their decision to divorce public, the HGTV stars also revealed they had entered relationships with new people. Christina got together with kitchen contractor Anderson, while Tarek paired off with their nanny, Alyssa Logan. Both relationships came to an end.

"Christina is single and being in a relationship is the last thing on her mind," her rep told E! News post-split. "She is taking this time to focus on her children and herself."

Tarek later admitted to Us Weekly that Christina's relationship with Gary "bothered me [at first], but she can live her life. I've totally moved on."
Although Christina and Tarek's split began contentiously, the real estate TV stars have let bygones by bygones.

"Tarek and I are in a very good place right now. We're doing a really good job. We share the kids 50/50 and our communication is great," she told E! News' Carissa Culiner during the All-Star Chef Classic at L.A. Live. "Like I said, the kids are happy, so everyone's doing really well."

Additionally, their kids, Taylor El Moussa and Brayden El Moussa, are doing well amid their parents' split, too. "The kids are great. My son is literally like the happiest kid on the planet. He brings so much joy to our lives," she said. "Taylor is amazing. She's feisty and funny. She's a very sweet, loving girl."

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Are More Than ''Just a Fling'': They Have a ''Crazy'' Connection

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are warming things up with their new fling this spring...but will they last through the season?

An insider tells E! News that they may actually be getting more serious than everyone originally thought. "All his friends can tell he really likes J.Lo [but] in the beginning they thought this may just be a fling."

However, our source says his friends have recently changed their minds. "Friends are slowly thinking this may actually be a great match. He calls J.Lo his lady. He would wife her up in a heartbeat...She is different than other people he's dated."

Not to mention, our source says they have a "crazy" connection and are "always all over each other when they are out."

Still, they're both very busy—he's a special instructor for the New York Yankees and she's managing her television show as well as a Las Vegas residency. So how do they make it work?

"He has some free time [right now]," our insider explained. "So he's been living the life and enjoying time with J.Lo."

Not to mention, she's supported him during spring training with the Yankees, and they've already fit in a quick getaway to the Bahamas. They even work out together when they can!

In fact, J.Lo has been spending time in Miami while she works on her Spanish album, and Rodriguez has been spotted hanging out with her in the city where the heat is on, hitting the gym with her and going out to dinner together.

So yes, they've proven to be getting more serious since first sparking rumors earlier this month.

"Jennifer and Alex are heating up big time," a source shared with E! News exclusively last week. "They went from zero to 100 really quick."
One of the reasons that may makes them a "great match" is due to their similarities, not only in age but in their dating history.

"Jennifer likes the idea of dating a man closer to her age," the source added. "Jennifer is really into Alex but still just going with it and learning about him...This very likely may turn into a relationship."

DWTS' Sharna Burgess and Bonner Bolton Fuel Romance Rumors With Flirty Bar Outing

Sharna Burgess and Bonner Bolton are taking their undeniable chemistry to another, more private dance floor.

E! News obtained exclusive photos from the Dancing With the Stars pairing's flirty night out at Cowboy Palace Saloon in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening, which will certainly fan the flames about their possible romance.

The professional bull rider was right in his element in the Country western bar, and didn't shy away from wrapping his arm around Sharna's shoulder and whispering into her ear.

The Australian ballroom dancer, who looked fab in a navy blue swing dress and thigh-high boots, couldn't help but smile as she and Bonner practiced their moves.

An onlooker told E! News of Sharna and Bonner's possible date night, "He seems especially doe-eyed—and she certainly doesn't seem to mind the attention."

Although it appears as if the dance partners were filming a segment for the ABC competition series, it's clear Burgess and Bolton were in a world of their own as the evening continued.

After showing off their dance skills, the twosome headed to a nearby pool table for a friendly game. Bonner flipped the script on their Dancing With the Stars dynamic as he began coaching Sharna on a few tips and tricks, who quickly climbed atop the table for a better angle at taking a shot.

"There is some real chemistry here," a source close to the duo shared.

Their night out comes only days after Sharna shut down speculation that she was upset about a hand gesture Bonner made toward her during Monday's premiere.

"Anyone who has the ridiculous idea that it was straight up stupid. As in lacking [the] intelligence to realize it was innocent," she tweeted "@bonner_bolton's a true southern gentleman & was so embarrassed that it even happened let alone got caught on camera for gossips to gawk at."

An eyewitness told E! News of their interactions during the taping, "They were hardcore flirting before their dance number. Watching them behind the scenes, you could see them checking each other out and Sharna was super giddy around him."

Dancing With the Stars' 9 Biggest Feuds

Now dancing the duel...these DWTS pairs!

Throughout its 24-season history, Dancing With the Stars has mostly seen smiles and sequins in the ballroom, but every now and then, the dramatics takes over leading to some serious tension. Like when current contestant Charo got mad over judge Bruno Tonioli's comments following her debut dance.

"I've got a message for Bruno: If he wants to be alive for his next birthday, you better give me bigger numbers. Bigger! I'm watching you," she told E! News. "We already have a controversy. Because I am the queen of the cuchi-cuchi, OK? Don't mess with me because, Bruno, I look at you."

OK, so the queen of cuchi-cuchi may have been joking just a little bit, but she isn't the first DWTS contestant to clash with one of the judges over their scores. Or with their professional dance partner.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy has butted heads with several of his partners, including soccer player Hope Solo who alleged he had once slapped her. Meanwhile, pro Tony Dovolani once threatened to quit during a tense rehearsal with reality star Kate Gosselin.

And those are just a few of the show's biggest battles that have gone down in and out of the ballroom since its 2005 debut.
To look back on DWTS' biggest feuds, check out our brand-new gallery.

CURS VALUTAR - 24 Martie 2017

Sia Steps Out in Public and Doesn't Hide Her Face


Sia was spotted at LAX Wednesday without her signature oversized wigs, letting everyone see her typically concealed face. The "Cheap Thrills" songstress kept her look casual, opting for Kenzo sweatpants and a cropped sweatshirt for her long flight ahead. Sia was headed to Dubai where she is scheduled to perform this weekend.

Getting a glimpse of the Australian singer's face is a rare treat, as she usually keeps her identity concealed during concerts and interviews. The 41-year-old "Breathe Me" singer spoke to Nightline's Chris Conley about why she hides her face, and of course she did it with her back turned to him. "I don't want to be famous, or recognizable," she explained. "I don't want to be critiqued about the way that I look on the Internet."

Sia's music video co-star Maddie Ziegler also opened up to E! News about her anonymity. "She only covers her face for appearances, for performances and things," Ziegler shared. "It could be weird if she just wore a wig talking to her friends." She added, "I think she just wants to be known for like a great artist rather than just being known for her face or something. What I love about her is she so in love with dance that she makes that the main focus."

Sounds like an understandable reason to us! Of course, there are moments when he face accidentally sneaks out of her massive wigs. During a concert in Colorado last summer, a big gust of wind had its way with Sia's wig and gave the audience a quick peek at her face.
Sia's tactics extend beyond wigs, too. She has been seen using brown paper bags and silver masks to maintain anonymity. "You know I was at Target the other day buying a hose and nobody recognized me—and my song was on the radio," the star said. "And I thought, OK, this experiment is working."

joi, 23 martie 2017

Tom Cruise Has Feared Practicing His Scientology Beliefs ''Openly''

Tom Cruise may be Scientology's most famous face, but even he's admitted to being afraid of practicing his beliefs openly.

The Jack Reacher star was a topic of discussion in Stephen Galloway's new book, Leading Lady, which focuses on former CEO of Paramount Pictures Sherry Lansing.

The book recounts a time in which Cruise's Scientology beliefs got in the way of his professional career. In 2003, Lansing had to step between Cruise—a crucial asset for Paramount—and the studio's former president of production, John Goldwyn. At the time, the producer was in the middle of a divorce from his Scientologist wife, Colleen Camp, and fighting for custody of their daughter.

PageSix spoke with Goldwyn who revealed he'd told the court that he believed Scientology was "being applied to alienate the affection" of his daughter. This, of course, resulted in Camp passing their divorce papers along to Scientology leaders, including Cruise.

At that point, Goldwyn said Cruise intervened in the divorce process.

"Tom got very upset because he thought I was launching a campaign against Scientology, and he felt I was persecuting him for his religion," Goldwyn told the publication. "Tom was rabid about it and said, 'It's because of people like you that I have to ride in a bulletproof car and why I cannot practice my faith openly.'"

Considering the two men were important parts to the company, the Paramount CEO stepped in to smooth things out.

"Sherry was amazing as an executive and a friend," Goldwyn recalled. "She stepped in and saved the situation by saying, 'I've known John for years, and he isn't a bigot. This is about his daughter.' Tom immediately calmed down."

In fact, Cruise eventually helped finalize Goldwyn's divorce.

Upon finding out the producer hadn't reached a settlement yet, the actor told him, "'Hold tight' [and] within 24 hours we were done. Tom Cruise was responsible for bringing my divorce to a close. It is a great Hollywood story."

John Mayer Admits His New Song Is About Katy Perry: "Who Else Would I Be Thinking About?"

John Mayer misses Katy Perry.

In a New York Times interview posted Thursday, the singer-songwriter revealed that his new single, "Still Feel Like Your Man," is about her. The two dated on and off for about a year and a half until early 2014.

"Who else would I be thinking about?" he said. "And by the way, it's a testament to the fact that I have not dated a lot of people in the last five, six years. That was my only relationship. So it's like, give me this, people."

Lyrics include "I still keep your shampoo in my shower / In case you wanna wash your hair / And I know that you probably found yourself some more somewhere / But I do not really care" and "Still like the letters in your name and how they feel, babe / Still think I'm never gonna find another you / Still like to leave the party early and go home, babe / And don't you know, babe / I'd rather sit here on my own and be alone, babe."

The song is a track from Mayer's new album The Search for Everything, which contains other breakup songs.

"There were times when tears came out of me, and I went, OK, John, this is not about an on-again, off-again relationship. This is something more profound," he told The New York Times.

He told the outlet that since his and Perry's split, he has hardly dated, although he has used a dating app, adding, "It's just lot of chatter...we all talk to the same people. There are very few people actually meeting up."

He also talked about wanting to settle down with someone and start a family.

"I wish there was somebody to throw me the 40th," he said. "I want the baby with the protective earphones" [by the side of the stage]."

Mayer's comments were posted nearly a month after it was announced Perry and Orlando Bloom had broken up after dating for almost a year.

Last July, the two bumped into Mayer while on a date.
The singer himself is believed to be the subject of the song "Dear John" by another one of his exes, singer Taylor Swift , who is known for releasing songs about heartbreak. The two reportedly dated for several months, starting in 2009, when she was 19. She has never confirmed the song's subject manner officially.

In 2012, Mayer told Rolling Stone he felt "really humiliated" by her song, which he believes is about him and contains lyrics such as "Don't you think 19 is too young to be played by your dark twisted games?"

Kate Middleton Pays Tribute to London Terror Attack Victims: "We Will Be Thinking of All the Families"

Kate Middleton expressed her sympathy Thursday for those affected by the recent terror attack in London, before speaking candidly about another issue close to her heart: Motherhood.

A driver mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge Wednesday, killing two people and injuring at least 40 more, including teenagers, before he burst through the gates of the British parliament building and fatally stabbed an unarmed policeman before officers shot him dead. It marked the deadliest attack in London since four Islamic suicide bombers killed 52 people on the city's transport system in 2005.

"I know you would all want to join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to all those sadly affected by yesterday's terrible attack in Westminster," the Duchess of Cambridge said at the launch of a film series about parental mental health at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in London. "We will be thinking of all the families, as we discuss the important issues we're here to talk about."

At the event, which took place days before the U.K.'s Mother's Day, Kate, a 35-year-old mother of two, then gave a speech about the challenges of motherhood.

"Personally, becoming a mother has been such a rewarding and wonderful experience," Kate told the crowd. "However, at times it's also been a huge challenge. Even for me, who has support at home, but most mothers do not. Nothing can really prepare you for the sheer, overwhelming experience of what it means to become a mother. It is full of complex emotions like joy, exhaustion, love and worry all mixed together."

"Asking for help is not a sign of weakness," she added.

During her visit, Kate also spoke to mothers who shared their experiences with postpartum depression and psychosis.

Kate and husband Prince William are parents to son Prince George, 3, and daughter Princess Charlotte, 1. Last November, William opened up about parenthood in a rare, candid interview during a trip to Vietnam.

"There's wonderful highs and there's wonderful lows," he said. "It's been quite a change for me, personally. I'm very lucky in the support I have from Catherine. She is an amazing mother and a fantastic wife."

"But I've struggled at times, the alteration from being a single, independent man to going into marriage and then having children is life-changing," he added. "I adore my children very much and I've learned a lot about myself and about a family, just from having my own children and it's amazing how much you pick up from just in those moments."

The new film series, Out of the Blue, aims to raise awareness of maternal mental health challenges and the well-being of families. It was created by Best Beginnings, a charity partner of the Heads Together Campaign, which Kate, William and his brother Prince Harry have spearheaded to try to end stigma around mental health.
Kate attended the film series launch event wearing an Eponine London red and white tweed cropped jacket and matching fit and flare skirt, an outfit she was previously photographed in last year, paired with nude pumps and a gold L.K Bennett clutch,