miercuri, 30 august 2017

CURS VALUTAR - 31 August 2017

Un cântareț de manele din Vâlcea a accidentat mortal o femeie

Un cântăreţ de manele din Vâlcea, cu numele de scenă Dany Chinezul, este cercetat pentru că ar fi lovit cu maşina o femeie de 87 de ani şi ar fi fugit de la locul faptei.
Bătrâna a murit două ore mai târziu, iar el s-a prezentat la poliţie abia a doua zi, însoţit de avocat. Anchetatorii vor să vadă dacă şoferul era băut când s-a întâmplat totul şi de aceea nu a oprit. Bărbatul susţine însă că nu şi-a dat seama că ar fi lovit pe cineva.
Femeie credincioasă, Filofteia Vlad mergea spre biserică, duminică dimineaţă. Mai avea doar câţiva metri, când a fost izbită de o maşină. A rămas pe marginea drumului, într-o baltă de sânge. Aşa a găsit-o un vecin, care a dat alarmă.

Incendiu la o fabrica din Timis

Mobilizare de forţe în Timiş, după ce o fabrică, unde se prelucrează aluminiu, a fost cuprinsă de flăcări violente. Zeci de pompieri s-au luptat cu vălvătăile mai bine de şase ore, iar fumul gros s-a văzut de la peste 20 de kilometri.
În interiorul fabricii se aflau mai multe butelii de gaz, aşa că a existat în permanență pericol de explozie. În orele în care s-a desfăşurat intevenţia, tensiunea a atins cote maxime.
Incendiul a pornit initial dintr-o incapere de 300 de metri patrati, insa flacarile s-au extins cu o repeziciune iesita din comun.
Cei 70 de muncitori aflati in fabrica au fost evacuati si,
din fericire, nu au fost victime. Mai ales ca in interior se aflau foarte multe butelii si substante inflamabile.
Martorii povestesc ca pana la sosirea pompierilor s-au auzit mai multe explozii, care au facut ca flacarile sa se extinda in numai cateva minute.
Oamenii speriati din imprejurimi au venit sa vada ce se intampla si daca le este pusa in pericol sanatatea.
O comisie formata din pompieri si politisti criminalisti a declansat deja o ancheta si urmeaza sa stabileasc de la ce a pornit totul.
Este vorba despre o fabrica unde se prelucreaza aluminiu pentru componente auto. Focul, care a cuprins initial o incapere, s-a extins in scurt timp la intreaga constructie, de 5 mii de metri patrati.
Cele zece echipaje de pompieri trimise la fata locului au avut o misiune dificila, pentru ca fabrica este construita din materiale care ard foarte repede. 70 de militari au muncit timp de sase ore la stingerea focului si au primit ajutor si de la pompierii din localitatea Deta.

15 Surprising Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Gossip Girl

Prepare to feel a wee bit old: The first episode of Gossip Girl aired almost 10 years ago.

Yes. Ten.

As you may recall, the CW hit made waves on Sept. 19, 2007, following the popularity of the book series written Cecily von Ziegesar, quickly catapulting Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Ed Westwick, Chace Crawford and Penn Badgley to fame.

In honor of the major anniversary, Vanity Fair caught up with the cast and crew—including creators Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz as well as writer Joshua Safran—who revealed some surprising facts not even the show's biggest fans may have known about.
1. It Was Inspired After The O.C.'s Success: Schwartz and Savage were also the creators and showrunners of The O.C. They were looking for something just as exciting to execute after the show's end, and Gossip Girl was just the way to do it.

"We learned a lot of lessons [on The O.C.] and its kind of crazy four-year run that we wanted to take and apply to something moving forward," Schwartz said. "And we were really excited about doing something in New York."
Gossip Girl, Blake LivelyThe CW
2. Blake Lively Was Pegged for Serena Van der Woodsen From the Start: Thanks to the books' fan groups and message boards as well as Lively's popularity in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, the creators already had an idea Lively was the girl for the role.

"We didn't see a lot of other girls for Serena," Schwartz said. "She has to be somebody that you believe would be sitting in the front row at Fashion Week eventually."

3. But Lively Wasn't So Sure: She wanted to get her degree. "I said, 'No, I want to go to college. Thank you, though,'" Lively recalled. "Then they said, 'OK, you can go to Columbia [University] one day a week. After the first year [of the show], it'll quiet down. Your life will go back to normal and you can start going to school. We can't put it in writing, but we promise you can go.' So that's why I said, 'OK. You know what? I'll do this.'"

She never ended up finishing college.

4. Leighton Meester Was Underwhelmed By the Audition Process: "I think it was just the normal, typical pilot season audition for me," she recalled. "I auditioned, and then I tested once, and then we did a screen test with everybody. And then, that was it...I dunno. I got it."

But her recollection doesn't entirely match her actions at the time.
Blake Lively, Leighton Meester
"She came in and she was really funny, and really smart and played vulnerable," Schwartz clarified. "But there was one problem: She was blonde. And Blake was blonde, obviously; Serena had to be blonde. So, [Leighton, who played Blair Waldorf] went to the sink and dyed her hair. She wanted it."

5. The Two Girls Couldn't Have Been Any More Different: "Blake is very much in the moment. Blake knows what's happening. She knows this movie's coming out, this band is happening," Safran recalled. "Leighton [on the other hand] was very removed and very quiet, and, after her scenes were done, she would wander the stage. I had this image of her just in these gorgeous dresses with a book in her hand, sort of a little bit out of focus out in the corners."

6. And They Weren't BFFs: "Blake and Leighton were not friends," Safran continued. "They were friendly, but they were not friends like Serena and Blair. Yet the second they'd be on set together, it's as if they were."

7. Ed Westwick and Chace Crawford Were BFFs: The two—who played Chuck Bass and Nate Crawford—actually lived together in an apartment in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood when the show started filming. They first bonded at an Arctic Monkeys concert.

"We had these girls coming up to us, and they were kind of freaking out about it: 'Oh, we love the books.' [Ed and I] kept looking at each other like, shit, man," Crawford recalled.
Gossip Girl, Ed WestwickGiovanni Rufino / The CW
8. Westwick's Style Was Inspired by Jersey Shore: But not how you'd think. Rather, the reason Westwick was so put together and fashionable was to bring the opposite of Jersey Shore to TV.

"I think because he was a Brit and had a different understanding of clothing and what it means, he was game day one," Gossip Girl costume designer Eric Daman explained. "He had a very big influence on menswear and how men dress today, and on what getting dressed up means. Menswear, at that point, was still very Jersey Shore...I'm very proud we got to break through to the men and be like, 'No, it's OK to dress up. You're not gonna look like some big pansy because you're in a fucking suit, dude. Suck it up, put on the bow tie.'"

9. And Penn Badgley Was Very Much Dan: Despite often his obvious dislike for the show, Badgley (who played Dan Humphrey) was very much like his character both on- and off-camera.

"Penn didn't like being on Gossip Girl, but...he was Dan," Safran said. "He may not have liked it, but [his character] was the closest to who he was."
Gossip Girl Couples, Penn Badgley, Blake LivelyThe CW
10. Badgley and Lively Kept Their Split a Secret for Two Months: The on-screen couple dated in real life for three years while filming the show. However, when they split in 2010, they didn't want it to interfere with the show or their careers.

"The shocking thing was, I found out on the set of the season two finale that Blake and Penn had broken up months before," Safran recalled. "They kept the breakup hidden from the crew, which you could never do now. I don't even know how they did it. They kept it from everybody which is a testament to how good they are as actors. Because they did not want their personal drama to relate to the show."

11. And Leonardo DiCaprio Eventually Had an Impact: When Lively started dating DiCaprio in 2011 (before she ended up with Ryan Reynolds), it inspired the Gossip Girl writers. In fact, they even moved the show's filming to L.A. for a little while.

"We learned a lot from Blake," Safran said. "When I think about shooting the L.A. episodes, Blake was dating [DiCaprio] at the time, and she had this thing where she had a doll that she took photos of that she sent to Leo. Blake was way ahead of the curve. It was pre-Instagram. She was documenting her life in photographs in a way that people were not yet doing."
Blake Lively, Gossip Girl
12. It Felt More Like Marketing Than Acting: Lively admitted that her real life and the show often crossed boundaries, which only heightened its popularity. In fact, she said she never really felt like she was acting.

"It felt like we were in the center of a marketing machine, a cultural pop phenomenon," she admitted to Vanity Fair. "We were creating three episodes at once sometimes, we were given our lines at the very last minute, we didn't know where our characters were going; there was no planning or arc...It almost felt like a sketch show. We were basically sort of reading off of cue cards. There were people taking pictures the whole time and paparazzi jumping in front of the cameras—it felt like we were part of a cultural experiment...There was something neat about that."

13. The Show Actually Had Its Own Gossip Girl: Before hacking was even a major thing, someone was getting into Gossip Girl emails and stealing scripts to sell online.

"Our scripts were ending up online, and we couldn't figure out how," one of the show's producers recalled. "We hired a private investigator. We didn't understand what was happening, because everything was getting leaked, every detail...A teenager, I think either [from] Russia or Bulgaria, had hacked one of the writer's e-mails, and was selling scripts on eBay. But they were underage, so they couldn't be prosecuted. It was a f--king production nightmare. We would have to 'X' out every script. We would have to print on red paper...It was like there was a 'Gossip Girl' in our system."
Gossip Girl CastThe CW
14. Westwick Still Doesn't Know Who the Real Gossip Girl Is: Even though the season finale revealed who'd been signing "xoxo, gossip girl" all those years, Westwick didn't get the memo.

"I still am not sure who GG was lol," he admitted to VF.

15. A Reboot Isn't Off the Table: When asked about a potential spin-off series or reunion show, both the producers and the cast didn't completely deny it.

"Yeah, I don't really hear [talk of] that," Meester said. "I guess I hear that in fits and starts here and there, but it's hard to say. If everyone was into it and if the timing was right, you know? I don't want to say, 'No, never.'"
Lively, on the other hand, said she'd "of course" take a role on a reboot into consideration.

"I'm open to anything that's good, that's interesting, and that sort of feels necessary," she said. "I imagine we all would [consider it]. I can't speak for everyone else, but we all owe so much to this show, and I think that it would be silly not to acknowledge that."

marți, 29 august 2017

Horoscopul zilei - 30 August 2017

Berbecii îşi încep ziua plini de energie şi au idei care îi vor surprinde pe cei din jur. Pot avea succes atât în afaceri, cât şi în susţinerea examenelor sau în dezvoltarea relaţiilor sociale.

Pe Tauri îi aşteaptă o zi încărcată. Cei care sunt în căutarea unui nou loc de muncă, astăzi au şanse mari să îl găsească.

Gemenii pot obţine mai multe câştiguri la care nu se aşteptau. E posibil să primească un premiu sau pot să recupereze o datorie mai veche.

Racii nu trebuie să îşi neglijeze sănătatea. Chiar dacă au câteva dificultăţi financiare, nu există problemă care să nu se poată rezolva.

Pe Lei îi găsim astăzi pe picior de plecare. Sunt favorizate călătoriile în interes de serviciu. Indicat ar fi să profite şi să se şi relaxeze puţin.

Fecioarele au o colaborare de succes cu o persoană apropiată. E posibil să li se ofere ocazia de a face o investiţie profitabilă.

Şi pentru Balanţe este un moment favorabil pentru a începe să pună în aplicare un proiect menit să le ajute să se afirme în plan profesional.

Scorpionii sunt sfătuiţi să îşi respecte întocmai promisiunile. Altfel, cei din jur îşi vor pierde încrederea în ei şi vor avea de suferit.

Nativii Săgetător fac planuri importante alături de partenerul de viaţă. Astfel, îşi vor reclădi relaţia care nu fost chiar roz în ultima perioadă.

Capricornii îşi fac prieteni noi astăzi. Vor participa la o recepţie de unde se vor întoarce extrem de entuziasmaţi.

Pentru Vărsători, azi s-ar putea ivi ocazia de a obţine venituri suplimentare dintr-o colaborare. Au posibilitatea să finalizeze o lucrare dificilă, cu mai puţin efort decât s-ar fi aşteptat.

Iar Peştii petrec ziua în compania persoanei iubite. Nu ar strica să iasă puţin din oraş.

Game of Thrones' Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke Sound Off on Finale's Big Jon Snow Reveal

Game of Thrones introduced a new character on Sunday night...except he's actually been around all along. (Warning: MAJOR spoilers from the season seven finale ahead. Read at your own risk!)
Sunday night's finale finally confirmed one of the GOT fandom's most popular theories: R + L = J. Yes, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark...and he's legitimate, as the two were indeed married in a secret ceremony, which we got to see thanks to Bran's (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) visions.
This, obviously, is huge for a number of reasons. 1. Jon's real name is Aegon Targaryen and he's not a bastard. 2. He's the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. 3. Just as Bran and Sam are piecing this together, Jon and Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) were consummating their relationship for the first time. (Yay to them finally hooking up! Boo to incest! But hey, they don't know they are aunt and nephew?!)
Freaking out? Us too! And even Harington and Clarke were blown away by the reveal.
"Ewwwww!" is how Clarke predicted Dany will react when she finds out she had sex with her nephew in the eighth (and final) season) in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. "I think that's how it's going to go. I get the toothbrush—"
As for how the Queen will feel about Jon (or Aegon, we gotta start getting used to that, we guess!) actually being the rightful heir to the throne? "I've worked so hard, I don't want to share that throne," she told the mag. "No. The throne's big enough for one dragon bum, and that's mine. That's it!"
Of course, the bombshell revelation will impact Jon and Dany's relationship in some way, but the actors aren't sharing that info just yet.
Game of ThronesHBO
"That part of it, I can't predict," Harington said. "It could be them walking off into the sunset. It could be them killing each other." (We'll take the former please.)
Well, it will surely change their relationship, according to Game of Thrones' bosses.
"Just as we're seeing these two people come together, we're hearing the information that will inevitably, if not tear them apart, at least cause real problems in their relationship, " co-showrunner D.B. Weiss said of the reveal happening at the same time as Jon and Dany's hookup happening on-screen. " And she's his aunt."
Co-showrunner David Benioff added, "It complicates everything on a political level, on a personal level, and it just makes everything that could've been so neat and kind of perfect for Jon and Dany and it really muddies the waters."
You can say that again.
In the interview with EW, Harington talked about how unusual the process was for them to develop their characters' chemistry after not working together for six years, despite knowing each other personally all that time.
"Usually you go into a movie and meet [your costar] for the first time and you develop that chemistry over that time. But if you've known somebody for seven years and shared this incredible journey in your own lives together," he explained. "We're both kind of freaking out about it. I would be like, 'What's the sexual tension in this scene?' and she's like, 'Stop talking about sexual tension!' It's a unique experience to be in as an actor and you know the world is watching."
Clarke then joked, "Yeah [I would say], ‘Would you just stop? Just give me some sexy eyes, don't keep talking about sexual chemistry all the time."
When it came to the sex scene itself, Clarke liked that it was all action, saying, "I love that when we get to the saucy stuff it's a beautiful acceptance of a wordless…yep."
What did you think of Game of Thrones' season seven finale? Do you want to see Jon and Dany together or is it just wrong for you? Sound off in the comments!

Prevenția cancerului de sân

Cancerul de sân este cea mai răspândită formă de cancer din România. În fiecare an, mii de femei primesc acest diagnostic, iar majoritatea lor ajung pe masa de operație, în fața mastectomiei. Statisticile sunt îngrijorătoare, mai ales luând în calcul avertizarea Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății, care susține că în următorii 20 de ani numărul diagnosticelor de cancer va crește cu 70%.
Este o viziune sumbră asupra vieții, îngrijorătoare pentru noi și apropiații noștri. Un factor de schimbare al acestui scenariu este educația privind sănătatea noastră și mersul anual la medic. A venit vremea să acceptăm că boala nu trebuie niciodată ignorată și tratarea ei amânată. Numărul femeilor din România care ajung pe masa de operații nu ar mai crește cu această viteză alarmantă dacă ne-am educa să prevenim, în loc să tratăm.
Controale periodice în funcție de vârstă
Indiferent de vârstă, trebuie să ne dăm timp să ne cunoaștem propriul corp. El este mult mai inteligent decât îi acordăm credit și ne dă semnale multiple, la timp. Secretul este să îl ascultăm și să fim atente.
Auto-examinarea sânilor, un exercițiu necesar
Cel mai la îndemână control este cel pe care îl facem chiar noi. Auto-examinarea periodică a sânilor, preferabil în fiecare lună, ne aduce două mari beneficii: ne dă ocazia să ne cunoaștem corpul și să observăm cea mai mică schimbare și putem descoperi un posibil nodul. De cele mai multe ori nodulii sunt chisturi mamare benigne, deci necanceroase. Cu toate acestea, este recomandat să consultăm medicul imediat ce am descoperit orice formațiune neobișnuită.
Ecografia mamară anuală pentru femei sub 40 de ani
Ecografia mamară este un examen neinvaziv, care se recomandă în fiecare an. Femeile tinere, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 20-30 de ani uneori neglijează acest aspect, pentru că imaginea cancerului de sân este în mod greșit asociată persoanelor de peste 40 de ani. Realitatea este că în ultimii ani apariția bolii ține cont mai puțin de vârstă și apare chiar și la 20 de ani. De aceea trebuie să luam în serios recomandarea medicilor și să efectuăm acest control anual, deoarece convingerea că „mie nu mi se poate întâmpla” poate reprezenta, de multe ori, condamnarea la suferință.
Mamografia anuală pentru femei peste 40 de ani
Riscul de apariție al cancerului de sân la femei cu vârsta de peste 40 de ani este mai mare, de aceea medicii recomandă un examen cu mai multă acuratețe în rezultate, mamografia. Ea nu trebuie să înlocuiască neapărat ecografia, ele pot fi făcute în paralel.
Să ne informăm cu privire la simptome
Pe lângă controalele anuale, putem observa pe cont propriu simptome ale cancerului de sân. Avem nevoie de puțină informare și multă răbdare cu noi. Nodulii sunt cele mai frecvente semne, însă nu sunt singurele. Putem să fim atente și să remarcăm pete roșiatice sau inflamații la nivelul sânului. Ele indică o formă rară de cancer, deci nu vor fi întâlnite frecvent, însă trebuie mers la medic imediat ce le vedem. De asemenea, o mâncărime persistentă și o durere constantă de sân sunt semne alarmante. Dacă sânul își modifică mărimea sau forma și aceste schimbări nu sunt asociate alăptării, sarcinii sau menstruației, nu rămâneți indiferente și programați un consult. Alte semne sunt reprezentate de către scurgeri mamare, inversarea mameloanelor sau schimbări la nivelul pielii.
Luate individual, nu întotdeauna înseamnă cancer. De multe ori ele sunt alte semnale ale corpului, de pildă durerile de sân pot fi cauzate de schimbări hormonale, stres sau sutiene care nu se potrivesc. Însă există și situații nefericite când ele semnalează un cancer. Ascultându-le, ne dăm o șansă la viață, șansă pe care toată lumea o merită. Să nu fim noi cele care ne-o răpim!
Și tu poți ajuta supraviețuitoarele cancerului de sân!
 Femeile care înfruntă această boală sunt eroine, care au nevoie de sprijin pentru o recuperare completă. După mastectomie multe dintre ele își doresc proteze externe de sân, care să le ajute în viața de zi cu zi, însă nu toate și le permit. Asociația Casiopeea este o organizație care vine în ajutorul acestor femei. Anual asociația organizează Cursa Roz și Marșul pentru familii, un eveniment caritabil care își propune strângerea de fonduri pentru achiziționarea protezelor.
La final, acestea sunt donate supraviețuitoarelor. Din 2010 până în prezent asociația Casiopeea a reunit anual peste 3000 de participanți și a donat peste 1900 de proteze. Anul acesta evenimentul are loc în data de 30 septembrie în București și își propune să aducă împreună oameni care vor să ajute cu oameni care se lasă ajutați.


Un tânăr de 28 de ani a murit, iar prietenul lui de 24 de ani de zbate între viaţă şi moarte, în urma unui accident cumplit de circulaţie petrecut, noaptea trecută, în faţa Spitalului Județean de Urgență Vaslui.
Sute de oameni au participat la o Cină în Alb, eveniment exclusivist în centrul Capitalei # 100 de zile de vară
Șoferul unui Logan, care nu a acordat prioritate la schimbarea directiei de mers, a fost lovit în plin de o motocicletă care circula cu viteză năucitoare către centrul oraşului. Masina s-a răsturnat, iar cei doi tineri de pe motocicletă, de 24 şi 28 de ani, s-au zdrobit de asfal

Accident pe DN 11, la Helegiu

Bărbat rănit în urma unui accident la Helegi
S-a întâmplat marţi după-amiază, pe DN 11, la Helegiu, unde un bărbat de 48 de ani, din localitate, în timp ce conducea un autoturism a pierdut controlul volanului, a pătruns pe contrasens şi a intrat în coliziune cu un TIR, condus de un tânăr de 28 de ani, din Mărgineni.
În urma impactului, şoferul maşinii care a ajuns pe sensul opus a rămas încarcerat şi a fost nevoie de intervenţia pompierilor de la Inspectoratul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (ISU) Bacău pentru descarcerarea sa.
„Echipajele de salvatori au extras victima și au predat-o echipajului de ambulanţă pentru acordarea îngrijirilor medicale și transportul acesteia la Spitalul Municipal Onești.
De asemenea, pompierii băcăuani au asigurat măsurile de prevenire și stingere a incendiilor și au deconectat bornele de la acumulatorii vehiculelor implicate în accidentul rutier”, a declarat cpt. Andrei Grecu, ofiţer de relaţii publice la ISU Bacău.
Pe timpul cercetărilor efectuate de poliţiştii de la rutieră la faţa locului, traficul în zonă a fost întrerupt.

Pe tine te fericim (Fecioara Curata) - Versuri

Fecioara Maica Maria
Stapana Imparateasa
Pe tine te fericim

Curata fiica din Adam
Parfum de floare aleasa
Pe tine te fericim

Aleasa fiica de imparat
Fecioara nenuntita
Pe tine te fericim

Smerenia te-a ridicat
Si te-a facut slavita
Pe tine te fericim

Mai sus de ceruri te-ai suit
Prin nasterea straina
Pe tine te fericim

Pe heruvimi ai covarsit
In cinste si lumina
Pe tine te fericim

Si serafimii in zborul lor
La slava ta cu dor privesc
Pe tine te fericim

Arhanghelii si ceata lor
De frumusetea ta doresc
Pe tine te fericim

Cantarea heruvimilor
Spre tine se indreapta
Pe tine te fericim

Iar ceata serafimilor
In ode se desfata
Pe tine te fericim

Arhanghelii neincetat
Cu toate ostile ceresti
Pe tine te fericim

In dorul lor nesaturat
Din lauda nu se opresc
Pe tine te fericim

Esti bucuria cetelor
De ingeri laudata
Pe tine te fericim

Esti pacea si sfintitul dor
A sfintilor curata
Pe tine te fericim

Esti mangaierea tuturor
Ce tie se inchina
Pe tine te fericim

Esti Maica ortodocsilor
Si-a lor nadejde buna
Pe tine te fericim

A randuielilor ceresti
Stapana mult cantata
Pe tine te fericim

Esti si a celor pamantesti
Scapare intemeiata
Pe tine te fericim

Din aurorile ceresti
Faclie luminata
Pe tine te fericim

Si noua ne impartasesti
Lumina cea curata
Pe tine te fericim

Potir sfintit ce daruiesti
Izvor de nemurire
Pe tine te fericim

Adapa-ne pe noi cei rai
Cu vesnica-ti iubire
Pe tine te fericim

Si ne hraneste neincetat
Cu painea de viata
Pe tine te fericim

Ce dintru tine s-a luat
Fecioara prea curata
Pe tine te fericim

O, Maica fara de pacat
Balsam de mangaiere
Pe tine te fericim

Ne fi celor ce-am apucat
cararea spre Inviere
Pe tine te fericim

Fecioara Maica te avem
Liman de mantuire
Pe tine te fericim

Si bucurie si indemn
Si cale de suire
Pe tine te fericim

Bucura-te roza de mai
Si floarea curatiei
Pe tine te fericim

Bucura-te sfintite Rai
Salasul fecioriei
Pe tine te fericim

Mireasa sfanta al tau dor
Ne umple de iubire
Pe tine te fericim

Si ni se face tuturor
Urcus spre Imparatie
Pe tine te fericim

Fecioara, acoperamant
A lumii intregi Stapana
Pe tine te fericim

Pazeste al nostru sfant pamant
Si vatra si gradina
Pe tine te fericim

Si cu caldura te rugam
Stapana prea sfintita
Pe tine te fericim

Pazeste-ne, te imploram,
De-a celui rau ispita
Pe tine te fericim

Ne apara si te pazim
Si turn de aparare
Pe tine te fericim

Si calauza celora
Ce-n tine-si-au scapare
Pe tine te fericim

Si Imparatia lui Hristos
Ne-o da ca mostenire
Pe tine te fericim

Ca sa-ti aducem ca prinos
A noastra multumire
Pe tine te fericim

Si sa-ti cantam neincetat
Cantarea ta-n vecie
Pe tine te fericim

Cuvine-se cu adevarat
Sa te slavim Marie
Pe tine te fericim

Sindromul Down - Definitie

Sindromul Down (trisomia 21) reprezintă cea mai comună cauză genetică de retard mental blând și moderat ( maladie prezentă la copil încă din momentul conceperii), cauzată de prezența unui cromozom 21 suplimentar. Cromozomii sunt structuri cromatinice microscopice prezente în aproape fiecare celulă componentă a țesuturilor organismului uman. Ei poartă planul tuturor caracteristicilor pe care le moștenim. Acest plan este purtat sub forma unui mesaj codat, prezent în acidul deoxiribonucleic (ADN). La om există 23 de perechi de cromozomi în fiecare celulă, dintre care 22 perechi de autozomi și o pereche de heterosomi ( cromozomii de sex, X și Y). Un set de 23 de cromozomi se moștenește de la tată iar celălalt set este primit de la mamă.

În 1959, geneticianul de origine franceză, profesorul Jérôme Lejeune, a descoperit că sindromul Down este cauzat de prezența unui cromozom 21 în plus, rezultând astfel un număr total de 47 de cromozomi.
Un „sindrom” reprezintă o corelație de semne și simptome. Denumirea „Down” provine de la medicul englez, John Langdon Haydon Down, primul care a descris acest sindrom în anul 1866, cu aproximativ 100 de ani înainte ca acest cromozom suplimentar să fie descoperit. În fiecare zi, în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii se nasc între unul și doi copii cu sindrom Down, situație în care incidența acestui sindrom este de 1/1000 de nou-născuți. În România nu există o statistică, dar având în vedere faptul că la nivel mondial incidența este de aproximativ 1-800 nașteri, se poate estima că sunt în jur de 30.000 de persoane care suferă de trisomie 21.
Toate persoanele cu Sindrom Down prezintă un anumit grad de dificultate de învățare (retard mental blând sau moderat). Gradul de dizabilitate diferă de la o persoană la alta și este dificil de apreciat în momentul nașterii.
Sindromul Down este produs de trisomia cromozomului 21, iar regiunea critică afectată este 21q22 (numită și DSCR-Down Syndrome Critical Region= Regiune Critică a Sindomului Down = RCSD).
Analiza citogenetică poate evidenția mai multe variante: trisomia 21 liber - omogenă, trisomia 21 cu translocație Robertsoniană (14;21), trisomia 21 segmentară si trisomie 21 cu mozaicism.
Trisomia 21 liber-omogenă apare în 92-95% dintre cazurile de sindrom Down și constă în prezența unui cromozom 21 suplimentar în toate celulele somatice ale organismului. Se produce prin nondisjuncție maternă, în special în meioza I.
Trisomia 21 cu mozaicism apare în 2-3% dintre cazuri și se caracterizează prin prezența a doua linii celulare distincte genetic, una cu 46 de cromozomi și o alta cu 47 de cromozomi, ce conține și un cromozom suplimentar 21. Acest tip de trisomie apare prin nondisjuncție postzigotică sau, extrem de rar, prin pierderea unui cromozom 21 într-o proporție dintre celulele unui embrion trisomic.
De obicei sindromul Down este diagnosticat clinic în perioada neonatală sau la sugar, datorită dismorfiilor evocatoare care, deși variază la diferiți pacienți, realizează un aspect fenotipic caracteristic. Nou-născutul cu trisomie 21 are talia și greutatea sub limita normală corespunzătoare vârstei, hipotonie musculară, hiperextensibilitate articulară și reflex Moro redus sau absent, reflexul rotulian este slab. Nou-născutul prezintă craniul mic și rotund (brahicefalic), cu occiput aplatizat și fontanele largi care se vor închide cu întârziere. Fața este rotundă, iar profilu feței este plat din cauza hipoplaziei oaselor proprii ale nasului, iar fruntea este bombată. Fantele palpebrale sunt orientate oblic, în sus și în afară. Aproximativ jumătate dintre pacienți prezintă epicantus. Toți nou-născuții cu sindrom Down trebuie examinați de către un specialist pentru depistarea cataractei congenitale și a altor anomalii oculare (strabism convergent, blefarite, nistagmus, opacifierea cristalinului) (2). Irisul poate avea un aspect pătat (petele Brushfield). Aceste pete Brushfield sunt mici, albicioase,rotunde sau neregulate și se dispun ca o coroană la joncțiunea treimii mijlocii cu treimea externă a irisului.Urechile sunt mai jos inserate, mici, rotunde și displazice. Helixul are un aspect rulat, iar antehelixul este proeminent (3). Conductul auditiv este mic, iar hipoacuzia și surditatea poate afecta 50% din pacienți cu sindrom Down, la orice vârstă (4). Gura este mică, deschisă, cu protruzie linguală. Limba este mare (macroglosie relativă) brăzdată de șanțuri (limbă plicaturată, scrotală). Bolta palatină este înaltă și îngustă. Gâtul este scurt, gros, cu exces de piele pe ceafă. Mâinile sunt scurte și late cu deget V ce poate prezenta brahidactilie sau clinodactilie (încurbare) și cu un singur pliu de flexie palmară (pliu simian). Spațiul interdigital I de la picior este mult mai larg comparativ cu normalul. Toracele poate fi în pâlnie, cu mameloane aplatizate și cifoză dorso-lombară. Aproximativ 40-50% dintre copiii cu sindrom Down prezintă malformații congenitale cardiovasculare. Dintre acești copii 30-40% pot prezenta defect septal atrioventricular complet (5,6). O altă malformație congenitală cardiovasculară care poate sa apară este reprezentată de canalul atrioventricular comun. Pot fi prezente și anomalii digestive ca de exemplu atrezie duodenală, stenoză duodenală, hernie ombilicală și pancreas inelar. Pacienții cu sindrom Down prezintă retard mental care poate varia de la blând la moderat. Coeficientul de inteligență poate să scadă după primii ani de viață.
Sindromul Down apare la tot mai mulți copii, peste tot în lume, cu preponderență în Occident, unde vârsta la care femeile fac copii este tot mai înaintată[1]. Frecvența bolii crește simultan cu varsta mamei (peste 35 de ani). În lume, unul din opt sute de copii se naște cu acest sindrom[2].Numărul total al celor afectați la nivel global este estimat la 40-50 de milioane[2].În anul 2006, în România existau peste 35.000 de astfel de persoane


The Bachelorette's Emily Maynard Johnson Is Pregnant With Baby No. 4

UPDATE: Emily Maynard took to Instagram Tuesday to share her pregnancy news with her followers. Way too many tacos at lunch," she wrote. "Seriously though, as scared as I am to have 3 under 3, I'm so grateful God picked me to be the mommy to my kids and we can't wait for number 4 to get here! This pregnancy has been filled with lots of hot wings, ranch dressing, an emergency appendix surgery at 6 months, and swollen ankles all day every day but I wouldn't change it for the world. My little tribe can't wait to meet their new brother or sister (it's a surprise!) in the next couple of weeks!"
Emily Maynard's happily ever after continues.
The former Bachelorette is pregnant with her fourth child, according to People.
Followers of the reality star speculated that the family was growing this weekend when Emily's husband documented her family outing in Charlotte, North Carolina.
"@emilygmaynard," Tyler Johnson shared on Instagram with video of his wife who appeared to be hiding a bump in a blue and white checkered tunic.
Fans of the I Said Yes author know that Emily shares two children with Tyler. In addition she has a 12-year-old with her late fiancé.
"It is crazy at our house all the time," Emily previously shared with Good Morning America. "But it's a lot of fun."
She added, "I just think God knew I could not handle a lot so he gave me three super easy babies and three super easy kids."
For those who may not be proud members of Bachelor Nation, Emily first appeared on The Bachelor where Brad Womack picked her on the season finale.
When they decided to call it quits on their romance, Emily made the decision to give love another chance by appearing on season 8 of The Bachelorette where Jef Holm received the final rose.
As Emily and her family eagerly wait for the upcoming arrival, the proud mom is simply enjoying life with those closest to her. One look at the reality star's Instagram and you'll instantly discover that family time is the best time for Emily.

Actorul Mugur Mihăescu, numit consilier al Primarului Gabriela Firea

Primarul General al Capitalei, Gabriela Firea, își completează echipa cu un nou consilier personal, care va avea ca principală responsabilitate relația dintre municipalitate, prin toate instituțiile acesteia, cu Centrul Istoric al Bucureștiului, pe toate planurile: urbanistic, comercial, cultural, curățenie, ordine publică etc, se arată într-un comunicat de presă al Primăriei Capitalei.
În urma consultării cu membrii Asociației Comercianților din Centrul Istoric al Bucureștiului, persoana desemnată să ocupe această funcție este vicepreședintele ACCIB, Mugur Mihăescu.
„Centrul Istoric al Capitalei este, pe de o parte, un pol de maxim interes, turistic și comercial, iar pe de altă parte se confruntă cu o serie de probleme specifice, deloc simple. Cei care își desfășoară activitatea zi de zi în această zonă cunosc cel mai bine aceste probleme, așa că le-am solicitat să-și desemneze un reprezentant care să vină să lucreze alături de noi. Vreau să demonstrăm totala deschidere a Primăriei pentru rezolvarea acestor probleme și cred că o persoană din afară ne poate ajuta să urnim lucruri care păreau înțepenite pe vecie”, a declarat primarul Gabriela Firea.

Accident grav in comuna Româneşti, din judeţul Prahova

DN1 este blocat între București și Ploiești pe ambele sensuri în urma unui grav accident, în care a fost implicată o mașină, o persoană fiind grav rănită.
Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că începând cu ora 08:55, circulaţia rutieră a fost reluată pe DN1, în zona localităţii Româneşti, din judeţul Prahova.
Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că la această oră (08:40), circulaţia rutieră este oprită pe DN1, pe sensul de mers către Bucureşti, în zona localităţii Româneşti, din judeţul Prahova, din cauza unui eveniment rutier, în care şoferul unui autoturism a pierdut controlul volanului şi a intrat într-un stâlp.

Atac armat într-o bibliotecă din statul american New Mexico. Cel puţin 2 morţi și 6 răniţi

Un atac armat a fost comis într-o bibliotecă din orașul Clovis, în statul american New Mexico. Potrivit martorilor, un individ a pătruns în clădire și a deschis focul, făcând mai multe victime.
Un număr mare de echipe de intervenție a fost trimis la Biblioteca Clovis-Carver, după ce a semnalat incidentul. Potrivit martorilor, atacatorul e un bărbat.
”Totul s-a petrecut atât de repede... Am fugit imediat, poșeta mea e încă acolo!” a declarat Vanessa Aguirre, o martoră care se afla cu fiul său în biblioteca publică din Clovis.

Accident grav pe Iuliu Maniu!

Circulaţia este blocată, marţi dimineaţă, pe Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu spre ieşirea din Capitală din cauza unui accident rutier în care au fost implicate trei maşini. Potrivit Brigăzii Rutiere a Capitalei, este afectată inclusiv circulaţia troleibuzelor din zona.
De asemenea, oficialii arată că în urma accidentului rutier o singură persoană a fost rănită uşor.

Accident BIZAR la Cluj. O şoferiţă a zburat cu maşina peste un canal, înfigându-se într-un stâlp electric

Un accident rutier, soldat cu rănirea unei persoane, a avut loc, în această dimineață, pe raza localității clujene Câțcău. Din motive încă neelucidate, o şoferiţă aflată la volanului unui autoturism a părăsit partea carosabilă şi a rupt un stâlp de electricitate.
La faţa locului s-au deplasat două ambulanţe, precum şi un echipaj de descarcerare al pompierilor din Dej.
Conducătoarea auto a reușit să iasă singură din mașină. Aceasta a suferit răni ușoare, însă a fost transportată la spitalul din Dej pentru investigaţii suplimentare. Oamenii legii efectuează cercetări pentru a stabili cauzele exacte ale producerii accidentului.

Kevin Hart Launches Hurricane Harvey Relief Challenge

Kevin Hart is calling on his fellow celebrities to help make a difference in helping the victims of Hurricane Harvey.
The comedian posted a video to Instagram starting a new "challenge" he's hoping will sweep social media among his famous friends. He admits that he's putting aside the silliness to discuss something more serious.
"I'm starting a real challenge," he starts before adding that he will "lead the charge in stepping up this way." Hart will donate $25,000 to the American Red Cross to help those suffering from damages and injuries caused by the hurricane that has left some people in Texas homeless and thousands more without electricity.
Dwyane "Rock" Johnson, Beyoncé, Chris Rock, Jay-Z, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Steve Harvey and Justin Timberlake are just a few of the names he calls on to keep the challenge going. The sum seems a small price to pay in an effort to help the people of Texas in this trying time. The New York Times has reported that five people have already been killed by the flooding with dozens more injured. Some areas of the state are looking at up to 50 inches of water, making evacuation difficult.

luni, 28 august 2017

Simona Halep - Mari Maria Şarapova 4-6, 6-4, 3-6

Simona Halep părăsește US Open în primul tur după o înfrângere pe muchie de cuțit cu Maria Șarapova, la capătul unui meci de aproape trei ore
Simona Halep a părăsit ultimul turneu de Mare Șlem al anului în primul tur, fiind învinsă în trei seturi de rusoaica Maria Șarapova.
Simona nu a cedat, așa cum s-a întâmplat, poate, în alte meciuri din trecut, ci a fost pur și simplu copleșită de jocul incredibil al rusoaicei, care a arătat pentru prima oară de la revenirea în circuit de ce a câștigat cinci turnee de Mare Șlem și a fost pentru atât timp numărul unu în clasamentul WTA.
Rusoaica a învins-o pe Halep la capătul unui meci extrem de strâns, ducând astfel la 7-0 raportul meciurilor directe. Șarapova s-a impus în trei seturi, scor 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 după un meci care a durat două ore și 44 de minute.

Taylor Swift Reveals Who's Still in Her Squad With "Look What You Made Me Do"

One day you're in, and the next day you're out.
As Cady Heron said in the 2004 movie Mean Girls, frenemy Gretchen Weiners "knew it was better to be in the plastics, hating life, than to not be in at all. Because being with the plastics was like being famous. People looked at you all the time and everybody knew stuff about you."
Over the years, similar things have been said about Taylor Swift 's ever-evolving squad. It's a notion Swift mocked in her music video for "Look What You made Me Do" by lording over her plastic pals. Wearing a liquid latex ensemble, she intimidated those at "Squad U," a fictional factory where identical women must obey her rules or find themselves in a pile of mannequins.
Taylor Swift, Look What You Made Me Do, Music VideoBig Machine Label Group, LLC
In two scenes, Swift reprised the sweeter role she played in 2008's "You Belong With Me" video. Wearing a white tee with the words "Junior Jewels" scribbled on it, the more innocent version of Swift clues fans in as to which members of her squad are still card-carrying members. The list features famous and non-famous friends, including Lily Aldridge, Abigail Anderson, Lena Dunham, Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, Alana Haim, Danielle Haim, Este Haim, Todrick Hall, Martha Hunt, Claire Kislinger, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Ed Sheeran and Patrick Stewart. BFF Karlie Kloss' name was noticeably M.I.A., as were Cara Delevingne, Lorde and Ruby Rose's.
Hall was the only one to appear in the video, wearing an "IT.S." tank top—a clear dig at people who mocked Swift's then-boyfriend Tom Hiddleston for wearing a similar shirt last year.
Perhaps it's best not to read too much into the names of Swift's tee, though.
Jack Antonoff's name wasn't on her shirt either, and he co-wrote the song and accepted an award on her behalf at the 2017 MTV VMAs, where "Look What You Made Me Do" premiered.
After all, even talking about Swift's squad can cause problems.
Case in point: Lorde recently said she didn't consider herself a squad member, telling Australia's Sunrise, "I don't hang out with these people at all." After the singer's comments were taken out of context, however, she took to Twitter to clarify her position. "I've always found people's perception of this 'squad' idea frustrating in the past. It was never some exclusive club or secret society," she said. "I want to say one more time that Taylor has always been there for me in all my dark and light moments these past 5 years. All of them. I f--ked up an interview question."
Swift has not explained the symbolism of her music video yet.
"Look What You Made Me Do" is the lead single off her album Reputation, out Nov. 10.

CURS VALUTAR - 29 August 2017

Accident grav pe DE 581, în apropiere de Costeşti

Un grav accident rutier a avut loc luni seara, pe Drumul European 581, în judeţul Vaslui, pe raza comunei Costeşti, în urma căruia două persoane au fost rănite, iar un autoturism a ars complet. ŞTIRI PE ACEEAŞI TEMĂ Accident pe DN2. La un pas de moarte, după ce a fost spulberată de o m... Accidentul a fost urmat de un indendiu puternic, unul dintre autoturisme, înmatriculat în Republica Moldova şi alimentat cu GPL, arzând complet. Cel de-al doilea autoturism era condus de un tânăr de 33 de ani, din Popeşti- Leordeni. Din primele informaţii, accidentul s-a produs pe fondul unei depăşiri imprudente, cele două autoturisme intrând în coleziune frontală.  În urma impactului violent, ambii conducători auto au fost răniţi, fiind transportaţi la Spitalul Judeţean de Urgenţă Vaslui. Traficul în zonă a fost blocat pe ambele sensuri de mers, cozile de maşini întinzându-se pe mai mulţi kilometri.  Ulterior, mulţi dintre conducătorii auto au ocolit zona, deplasându-se pe un drum agricol din comuna Costeşti, respectiv pe o rută ocolitoare, prin comuna Roşieşti. Cele două autoturisme au fost distruse complet FOTO Instituţia Prefectului Vaslui

Lady Gaga Gets Naughty on NSFW V Magazine Cover

Lady Gaga knows how to tease.
The 31-year-old pop star flashes some underboob while wearing a black top and crucifix on V's annual music issue, which will be sold on newsstands on Thursday.
Gaga has posed for racy pics before; she appeared naked on the cover of her album ARTPOP and topless on a V magazine cover in 2013, and has also posed semi-nude for other magazines in the past.
In a new interview for V magazine, the singer talks about her new album Joanne and tour of the same name, which began earlier this month.
"I keep seeing this girl. It's in a dream. In the dream I'm playing at an amphitheater, outdoors, and beyond the seats there's a field in back—it's the cheap tickets," Gaga said, talking about who her new album is for. "That's where the girl is sitting, dressed in a Hanes sweatshirt, wearing her mom's rolled-up jeans. She has three babies, two are running around her. There's a cigarette in her hand, a glass of Pinot Grigio. She's got on a lot of jewelry, mostly fake, but she also has on one heirloom piece."
"This girl is singing every word and she thinks, 'How is it possible that Lady Gaga understands how I feel?' That girl—it's me," Gaga continued. "She's the one I'm writing to. With Joanne, I wanted to reach people, I wanted to bring all parts of the country together through this record."
The album is named after Gaga's late aunt Joanne Stefani Germanotta, who died at age 19 in 1974 after suffering complications from lupus.
"For me, Joanne, in the simplest terms, it's the classic stories of our lives that help us return to who we really are, no matter how lost we get," Gaga said about her record. "You can always go back to a loss, or the pain of a pending loss, or a challenging struggle in your family life, or your childhood. And when you go back to that place, it somehow brings you back to where you were in the beginning."
"And for me, that's what writing this album was all about. Because after The Fame Monster and subsequent albums, I felt that there was a part of me that was connecting on a human level with the public and part of me that was connecting on a whole new level, one that I had been wanting to connect with them on, a sort of fantastic magical level," she said. "And now, I want more of that connection."

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Welcome Daughter August With a Sweet Family Photo and an Inspirational Letter

There's another birth announcement in your Facebook feed.

Mark Zuckerberg announced Monday that Priscilla Chan, his wife of five years, has given birth to their second child. "Priscilla and I are so happy to welcome our daughter August!" he wrote. Their little girl joins big sister Max Zuckerberg, whose birth was announced in December 2015. In addition to sharing an adorable family photo via Facebook (where else?), Mark published a letter that he and Priscilla wrote to August "about the world we hope she grows up in." The letter also touched on the couple's shared hope that their newborn "doesn't grow up too fast."
The couple wrote a similar letter after Max was born. At the time, they pledged to donate 99 percent of their Facebook shares—valued at $45 billion—to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, focused on education and health; the money will be donated over the course of their lifetimes.
Mark wrote the letter to August, which he and Priscilla signed.
"Welcome to the world! Your mom and I are so excited to see who you will become. When your sister was born, we wrote a letter about the world we hoped she and now you will grow up in—a world with better education, fewer diseases, stronger communities, and greater equality. We wrote that with all the advances in science and technology, your generation should live dramatically better lives than ours, and we have a responsibility to do our part to make that happen. Even though headlines often focus on what's wrong, we still believe these positive trends will win out," Mark, 33, began. "We're optimists about your generation and the future."
"But rather than write about growing up, we want to talk about childhood," Mark said. "The world can be a serious place. That's why it's important to make time to go outside and play."
Mark, the fifth richest person in the world, wants August and her sister to ease into adulthood. "You will be busy when you're older, so I hope you take time to smell all the flowers and put all the leaves you want in your bucket now. I hope you read your favorite Dr. Seuss books so many times you start inventing your own stories about the Vipper of Vipp," he wrote. "I hope you ride the carousel with Max until you've tamed every color horse. I hope you run as many laps around our living room and yard as you want. And then I hope you take a lot of naps. I hope you're a great sleeper. And I hope even in your dreams you can feel how much we love you."
Most importantly, he wrote, "Childhood is magical."
"You only get to be a child once, so don't spend it worrying too much about the future," wrote Mark, who co-founded Facebook 13 years ago. "You've got us for that, and we'll do everything we possibly can to make sure the world is a better place for you and all children in your generation. August, we love you so much and we're so excited to go on this adventure with you. We wish you a life of joy, love and the same hope you give us. Love, Mom and Dad."

Kim Kardashian Dubbed ''America's New First Lady'' on First Magazine Cover With North West

Are the Kardashians the real first family of America?
According to Interview magazine, it appears so.
Kim Kardashian takes on a Jackie Kennedy-inspired look for the September cover of the publication, posing beside North West for the toddler's first-ever magazine cover.
Inside the pages of the spread, Kim and Nori pose together in what's designed to look like the White House and both partake in their own, separate interviews—another first for the 4-year-old.
Nori was interviewed by Kaia Gerber, Britney Spears' sons Sean and Jayden Federline and her cousin Penelope Disick. She revealed her favorite kind of pizza is cheese, her favorite song is daddy Kanye West's "Amazing," and her favorite color is "Rainbow."

Concurs Lidl Castiga o excursie pentru 2 persoane in Creta

Campania  “Castiga o vacanta in Creta” se desfasoara in perioada 28 August 2017– 03 Septembrie 2017.
Participantii trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
- persoana fizica
- domiciliul/rezidenta in Romania
- varsta de minim 18 ani
Nu pot participa:
- angajatii Organizatorului si rudele acestora
- angajatii tuturor colaboratorilor implicati in desfasurarea Campaniei si rudele acestora.

Mecanismul de desfasurare: 
In perioada 28 August 2017 - 03 Septembrie 2017, participantii la concurs trebuie sa parcurga urmatorii pasi:
- sa achizitioneze produse din "Saptamana Greceasca" de minim 50 de lei pe un singur bon fiscal
- sa inscrie codul unic de pe bonul fiscal pe www.surprize.lidl.ro + sa completeze formularul de concurs cu datele persoanale de contact.

Premiul acordat prin tragere la sorti:
1 x Excursie pentru 2 persoane in Creta.

                                               PARTICIPA LA CONCURS

Paris Jackson Takes Stance Against "Nazi, White Supremacist Jerks" at 2017 MTV VMAs

Paris Jackson took to the stage at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards to announce the winner for Best Pop Video...but before she could get to the nominees, she took a moment to take a political stance.
Following the recent events in Charlottesville, the 19-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson spoke out against the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists across the country and encouraged the audience, viewers and musicians alike to come together amid the hate.
"I'm seeing a lot of love and light here tonight already, a lot of diversity and a lot of potential power," she began. "You know, if we all put our voices together, do you realize the difference we would make? If we were to all stand up, united, as one, our impact, it would be, huge, believe me, huge. And that's not fake news."
She continued, "So, let's leave here tonight remembering that we must show these Nazi, white supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan, we have zero tolerance for their violence, their hatred and their discrimination! We must resist."
The crowd erupted in a cohesive cheer before Paris went on to announce the Best Pop Video nominees, which included Shawn Mendes' "Treat You Better," Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You," Harry Styles' "Sign Of The Times," Fifth Harmony's "Down," Katy Perry's "Chained To The Rhythm," and Miley Cyrus' "Malibu."

Taylor Swift Releases "Look What You Made Me Do" Music Video

Well...that was something.
Taylor Swift  released the music video for her new single, "Look What You Made Me Do" Sunday. The clip, which aired during the 2017 MTV VMAs, includes images of betrayal, power and anger.
While fans are already buzzing about all four minutes and 15 seconds, there's a scene at the end that is already grabbing plenty of attention.
"You can't possibly be that all the time. Don't call me back. Stop acting like you are all nice. You are so fake," she said in the final moments of the video while addressing some of her biggest headlines. "Here she goes, playing the victim again. What are you doing? Getting receipts."
Taylor added, "I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative."
Three years after the release of her hit album 1989, months after keeping out of the spotlight and days after she shockingly purged her social media accounts, the 27-year-old pop star returned to the Internet last Wednesday to tease a major music comeback; She announced a new single would drop the following day and that a new album, Reputation, would be released in November.
A teaser from the "Look What You Made Me Do" music video was released last week and many critics have compared a key scene from it to one from Beyoncé's 2016 hit video "Formation." Swift's music video director, Joseph Kahn, took addressed the comparisons on Twitter.
Swift's social accounts also included a photo of the album's cover art, which features her in black and white amid a backdrop of newspaper headlines and text bearing her name. The singer has made plenty of headlines, mainly due to her personal life, over the past couple of years.
Swift's social media comeback was preceded by three videos that made up a snake, an animal many of her critics have associated with her, released consecutively over three days. In the "Look at What You Made Me Do" video, the singer wears silver snake rings.
A source had told E! News in May that Swift "has been writing and recording her new album in Nashville for the last several months" and "is really excited about her new music and can't wait to share it with her fans."
"She has been entirely focused on that and not much else," the insider added. "She has been 100 percent dedicated to making music the last few months and that's it."

Demi Lovato Frees Her Nipples in Daring Ensemble at the 2017 MTV VMAs

Demi Lovato showed up to the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards with some serious fashion fierceness.
The 25-year-old singer donned a daring, sequin and lace Zuhair Murad ensemble, which turned heads for a couple reasons—especially the fact that it bared her breasts.
Yes, while posing on the red carpet, Lovato took a page out of Jennifer Aniston's book and said f--k it to covering up her chest, freeing her nipples underneath the sexy lace body suit.
She accessorized the look with lots of diamonds, hoop earrings and a sultry stare that certainly raised temperatures on the red carpet.
Lovato's see-through outfit choice should come as no surprise to the fans who know her as she's been dedicated to empowering women and helping teach them to love their bodies—be it through her words, nudity, sexy photo shoots or what have you.
In fact, when she posed nude for a photo shoot in 2015, she explained to E! News, "I wanted to make a statement, and I want that statement to be empowering towards women. And I want to inspire other women. For someone who's had body image issues since they were a child, I went from hating every inch of my body to showing every inch of my body to the entire world and without touching up anything."
Aniston recently made a similar statement in an interview with Vogue earlier this month.
"If you're going to walk out and have your nipples showing, or your belly is a little bloated, or you're not at the weight you want to be—you are perfect no matter what you are and no matter where you are and who cares," she told the publication. "You have to tune out the noise, which is fine by me, because I just know that I'm happy and healthy and doing everything I can to be good in the world and to the people I work with."

Amber Rose Is Unrecognizable While Making Her Red Carpet Debut With 21 Savage at the 2017 MTV VMAs

We all need to find someone who looks at us the way Amber Rose looks at 21 Savage.
Yes, this duo made their red carpet debut as a couple at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, unable to keep their hands off one another as they posed on the red carpet.
However, you probably didn't even realize that it was Rose posing with the rapper as she looks totally unrecognizable!
Wearing a custom black, sparkling gown by Yousef Aljasmi—which perfectly displayed her famous curves—she stepped away from her go-to platinum shaved hairstyle and donned a brunette wig.
E! News caught up with the model ahead of the show during which she dished about her new look, but more importantly, noted she may end up releasing a rap song one of these days—which, of course, she'd do with the help of her man.
Rose—who was previously married to Wiz Khalifa and also dated Kanye West back in the day—has completely fallen for her new man, taking to Instagram to gush over him time and time again.
Amber Rose, MTV Video Music Awards 2017Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
"It's pretty amazing waking up every morning feeling love like this," Rose told her 15.9 million fans in July. "I've cried endlessly and been hurt a lot in my life, I've been abused, talked to like I wasn't s--t, been gaslighted and slut shamed by men that I once loved and cared about."
She continued, "I'm so thankful that God brought this amazing person in my life who genuinely has my back and is ready to 'pull up' to defend my honor by any means. Maybe he's just as broken as me and that's why we're perfect for each other but either way he's not going anywhere and neither am I."

Tyler Posey Smooches His New Girlfriend and 7 More Things You Didn't See on TV at the 2017 MTV VMAs

Taylor Swift debuted her new music video, Fifth Harmonybid farewell to Camila Cabello in a big way, and Jared Leto was caught bopping around in a glittering cape...
Yes, you guessed it, we're talking about the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards.

The show brought some serious, headline-making moments and big wins. For example, Ed Sheeran took home the award for Artist of the Year, while Khalid won for Best New Artist and Fifth Harmony won for Best Pop Video.
But there were also a lot of things that didn't happen on TV...
1. Tyler Posey Brought His Girlfriend: As we recently reported, the Teen Wolf actor told us he's been dating someone new, and he appeared to make that official when he brought her to the VMAs! Posey was spotted smooching Sophia Ali during the show, and though she didn't pose with him on the red carpet, they arrived together in the same car. They were also spotted holding hands while walking down to their seats where Posey planted a kiss on her cheek.
Noah Cyrus, Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus, Brandi Cyrus, Tish Cyrus, MTV Video Music Awards 2017, CandidKevin Mazur/WireImage
2. The Cyrus Family Was Being Adorable: But do we expect anything less? Miley Cyrus, Noah Cyrus, Tish Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus and Brandi Cyrus all sat in the front row together at The Forum as a family. Before Miley took the stage to perform her new single "Younger," she kissed her mama, and as she performed, her parents and sisters were spotted cheering, dancing and singing along from their awesome seat in the audience. At one point, Tish even lovingly smacked Billy Ray on his booty while he stood up to dance. The "Achy Breaky Heart" crooner was incredibly popular, chatting with everyone from Ellen DeGeneres to Lorde!
Lorde, MTV Video Music Awards 2017Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP
3. Lorde Was in Good Spirits, Despite the Flu: The singer revealed she was battling the flu during the show. However, she appeared in good spirits, walking around and chatting with people like Jack Antonoff and Julia Michaels, and she even took the stage to perform. We also must mention that she looked radiant in her lavender dress!

Ed Sheeran, Chance The Rapper, MTV Video Music Awards 2017Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic
4. Ed Sheeran and Chance the Rapper's Bromance: The two musical geniuses sat next to each other throughout the show and were often spotted having jovial conversations and laughing together. Even while Sheeran was up on stage performing, Chance was spotted in the audience bopping along. Needless to say, we've officially pegged this duo as the greatest hypothetical set of BFFs.
5. Shawn Mendes Is Stoked on Taylor Swift's New Song: E! News' Sibley Scoles caught up with the "Treat You Better" singer ahead of the show during which he couldn't help but praise Swift's new single "Look What You Made Me Do." As you may recall, he opened for Swift's 1989 World Tour in 2015.
"It's bad ass," he told us of her new music, adding, "I'm really excited she's coming back. I've missed her."
6. Amber Rose May Drop a Verse: The model—who looked unrecognizable with her new, brunette 'do—also joined us with her man, 21 Savage, ahead of the show. When we asked the rapper about new music and the potential for the couple to collaborate in the future, Rose joked that she's going to drop a rap song...which would be written by her man, of course!
Pink, Willow Sage Hart, Carey Hart, MTV Video Music Awards 2017Kevin Mazur/WireImage
7. Pink and Carey Hart's Adorable Daughter Had a Loose Tooth: Even though Pink went home with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, her 6-year-old daughter, Willow, stole the spotlight when we caught up with the famous family ahead of the show. Willow explained that she has a loose tooth she's been trying to pull out. In fact, she said she even tried to tie a string around it, but it wouldn't budge. So, she spent a majority of the night wiggling it in hopes of the Tooth Fair paying her a visit ASAP.
8. Farrah Abraham Promises Her "Lady Parts Are Fine": In case you missed it, the Teen Mom OG star revealed she had vaginal rejuvenation procedure. So when she chatted with E! News at the VMAs, she gave us a few more details.
"My lady parts are loving it," she said of the procedure. "It's not invasive. It's quick. [My daughter] Sophia waits in the waiting room and then off we go...Revived and rejuvenated!
Needless to say, the VMAs were nothing short of exciting!
What was your favorite moment? Sound off in the comments below!
Watch the Fashion Police 2017 MTV Video Music Awards special Monday, Aug. 28 at 8 p.m., only on E!

Teen Mom's Amber Portwood and Boyfriend Andrew Glennon Make Their Red Carpet Debut at MTV VMAs

Amber Portwood and her new boyfriend are ready to make their red carpet debut as a couple.
As the Teen Mom star stepped out Sunday evening at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, there was a special man by her side.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce you to Amber's new man Andrew Glennon.
While posing for photographers at the Forum in Inglewood, the MTV star wore a sheer, floral dress. As for Andrew, he opted for a black suit with a purple button-down.
Earlier this month, E! News confirmed that Amber and Andrew were in fact a new couple. In fact, they met while Amber was filming Marriage Boot Camp with her ex Matt Baier.
"It makes sense Amber and Andrew grew close during filming. Her relationship with Matt was in bad shape and when you're shooting a show like this where there is a lot of heightened emotion, participants bond with the crew," an insider shared.
Our source also insisted that lines weren't crossed and "nothing happened" between the two until Amber returned home.
As for how Matt is reacting to the new relationship, he can't help but wish he did things a little differently.
"I'll hold out hope for reconciliation," Matt recently shared with E! News. "But if nothing else, I hope we can stay friends. We started off as best friends and that's what I miss the most from her—her friendship. To not have that is painful. When something happens, my natural instinct still is to call her and tell her everything. She was my family."
Hear more from Amber Portwood when she appears on E! News and Daily Pop Wednesday on E!
Watch the Fashion Police 2017 MTV Video Music Awards special Monday, Aug. 28 at 8 p.m., only on E!

Farrah Abraham Shares Pics of Her Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure

TMI Alert!
Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham shared on her Instagram page Saturday photos from her—wait for it—vaginal rejuvenation procedure. In one of the pics, the 26-year-old is seen dressed in just a silver bra and lying on a clinic bed at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center while a nurse, Sara Fowler, attends to her...down there.
"Loving my lady parts!" wrote Abraham, who gave birth to her daughter eight years ago.
The clinic's Instagram page also featured a photo of the reality star undergoing her noninvasive procedure. A photographer and cameraman are visible in the pic.
"Today at BHRCLA Teen Mom @farrah__abraham rejuvenating her lady parts! #vaginalrejuvenation #femme360 #teenmom," the post read.
The nurse posted on her own Instagram page more pics of her with Abraham as well as a video explaining the procedure to her.
"What this does is distributes little wounds through radio frequency which kind of breaks up the collagen and forces it to restore during that healing process, so everything becomes tighter and you actually experience," she said.

"Like I'm 16 again?" interrupted Abraham.
"There you go, like you're 16 again!" the nurse responded.
"Today, @farrah__abraham visited us at BHRC to rejuvenate her lady parts," Fowler wrote. "Like so many, she was a little nervous at first but quickly realized there is nothing to fear."
"#VaginalRejuvenation with our Ultra Femme 360 is a 30 minute pain-free non-invasive treatment," she wrote. "It works by delivering radio frequency to the underlying fibers, provoking the skin to produce NEW collagen. As a result, women experience a dramatic increase in tightness and sexual satisfaction. This treatment also helps eliminate stress incontinence, a common issue for women who have given birth. #teenmom #femininerejuvenation #bhrcbabe."
Abraham has been open about her past plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures.
She has had two boob jobs over the years and got a nose job and chin implants in 2012. More than two years ago, she got lip injections—which did not go well.

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul 29 August

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul este praznuita pe 29 august. Este ultima mare sarbatoare din anul bisericesc, pentru ca pe 1 septembrie incepe un nou an. Ziua Taierii capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul este o zi de post. Ni se cere sa postim in aceasta zi, pe de o parte ca sa nu ne asemanam cu Irod, care din cauza ospatului fara masura, a cerut ca Salomeea sa-i danseze si drept rasplata i-a oferit capul Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, iar pe de alta parte, ca sa ne asemanam cu viata infranata a lui Ioan.

Exista persoane care au sustinut ca ziua Taierii Capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul prefigureaza Vinerea Patimilor. Si dupa cum postim in fiecare vineri, ca zi a rastignirii Domnului, tot astfel se cuvine sa postim si in aceasta zi.

Mentionam ca in afara posturilor de lunga durata, avem si posturi de o zi:
- miercurea, ziua in care Mantuitorul a fost vandut;
- vinerea, ziua in care a fost rastignit;
- pe 14 septembrie - Inaltarea Sfintei Cruci, in amintirea Patimilor Mantuitorului;
- pe 5 ianuarie, in Ajunul Bobotezei, in amintirea postului pe care il tineau in vechime catehumenii care urmau sa fie botezati in ziua praznuirii Botezului Domnului.

Sunt si persoane care postesc si lunea, in ziua inchinata sfintilor ingeri.
Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul este o sarbatoare cu semnificatie eshatologica, precum este si Schimbarea la Fata a Domnului si Adormirea Maicii Domnului. Prin Schimbarea la Fata ni se descopera chipul pe care il va avea omul unit cu Hristos - chip de slava, prin Adormirea Maicii Domnului se arata ca cel care L-a purtat pe Hristos se muta de la stricaciune la nestricaciune, in vreme ce prin aceasta sarbatoare ni se reveleaza ca toti cei care nu au fost straini de pocainta vestita de Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul vor ajunge in rai.

Din acest motiv, Sfintii Parinti au randuit ca cele trei sarbatori sa fie praznuite in luna august, ultima luna din anul bisericesc, ca semn ca acest chip al lumii va trece, ca cer nou si pamant nou vor fi (Apocalipsa cap 21).

Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul
Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul s-a nascut in cetatea Orini, in familia preotului Zaharia. Elisabeta, mama sa, era descendenta a semintiei lui Aaron. Nasterea prorocului Ioan s-a petrecut cu sase luni inaintea nasterii lui Iisus. Nasterea sa a fost vestita de catre ingerul Gavriil lui Zaharia, in timp ce acesta slujea la templu. Pentru ca nu va da crezare celor vestite de ingerul Gavriil, Zaharia va ramane mut pana la punerea numelui fiului sau.

Exista o lunga perioada din viata Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul despre care nu avem informatii. Cunoastem ca s-a retras in pustiu, unde a dus o viata de aspre nevointe, pana in momentul in care a primit porunca sa inceapa sa predice. Rolul lui Ioan nu a fost doar acela de a pregati poporul pentru venirea lui Hristos, ci si acela de a-L descoperi lumii ca Mesia si Fiul lui Dumnezeu.

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul
Din Evanghelie cunoastem ca Irod, la un ospat prilejuit de sarbatorirea zilei de nastere, a taiat capul Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, la cererea Irodiadei. In acea vreme, Sfantul Ioan era intemnitat in castelul lui Irod de la Maherus. Ioan il mustrase pe Irod pentru traiul lui nelegiuit cu Irodiada, care era sotia fratelui sau. In ura ei de moarte, Irodiada a sfatuit-o pe Salomeea, fiica ei, care dansase si placuse oaspetilor si indeosebi lui Irod, sa ceara de la acesta capul Botezatorului ca rasplata.

Capul Sfantului Ioan a avut, dupa traditia Bisericii, o istorie aparte. El a fost de trei ori pierdut si de trei ori aflat. Prima si a doua aflare a capului este sarbatorita pe 24 februarie, iar A treia aflare a capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul este praznuita pe 25 mai.

Potrivit traditiei, Sfanta Ioana, femeia dregatorului lui Irod, este cea care a luat capul Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul din curtea Irodiadei si l-a ingropat la Ierusalim, in muntele Eleonului, intr-un vas de lut.

Dupa un timp, un proprietar bogat si slavit a crezut in Hristos, si lepadand pozitia sociala si toata desertaciunea acestei lumi, s-a facut monah, luandu-si numele de Inochentie. Ca monah, el s-a salasluit chiar la locul unde se afla ingropat capul Botezatorului Ioan. Dorind sa-si zideasca o chilie si o bisericuta, el a sapat adanc si a descoperit un vas de pamant in care se afla un cap. Prin descoperire dumnezeiasca a aflat ca este al lui Ioan Botezatorul. Cand s-a apropiat insa de trecerea la cele vesnice, spre a nu fi gasit si pangarit de paganii ce se inmultisera in zona, el l-a luat si l-a ascuns din nou in pamant, in acelasi loc.

Capul Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul a fost prezent aici pana in vremea Sfintilor Imparati Constantin si Elena, cand Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul s-a aratat unor doi calugari si le-a poruncit sa dezgroape cinstitul sau cap. Aceasta e socotita cea dintai aflare a sfantului cap.

In vreme ce calugarii calatoreau cu capul sfantului intr-un sac, au intalnit un olar si i-au dat acestuia sa duca sacul. Din cauza lenevirii lor, Sfantul Ioan i-a cerut olarului sa fuga de cei doi calugari. Ajuns acasa, olarul s-a bucurat de multe binefaceri datorita prezentei capului prorocului. Cand si-a simtit sfarsitul, olarul a pus capul sfantului intr-o racla si l-a daruit surorii sale. Racla va ajunge in grija lui Eustatiu, un monah arian, care locuia intr-o pestera. Multe minuni se vor petrece la aceasta pestera. Din nefericire, Eustatiu spunea ca datorita puterilor sale sunt prezente minunile, oamenii nestiind ce ascunde in pestera sa. Dupa un timp, Eustatiu, stiind ca va fi trimis in exil, ingroapa capul Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul.

Pestera va fi locuita de niste monahi credinciosi, care vor ridica in apropierea ei o manastire. In anul 452, arhimandritul Marcel, staretul acelei manastiri, a vazut un foc mare la pestera de langa orasul Emesa, in timpul cantarii psalmilor. Asa a aflat in chip minunat capul sfantului. Aceasta este socotita a doua aflare a cinstitului cap al Botezatorului.

In timpul luptei impotriva sfintelor icoane, capul Sfantului Ioan a fost ingropat la Comane, de unde a fost adus in Constantinopol, de catre Sfantul Ignatie (860), in vremea imparatului Mihail. Aceasta este cea de-a treia si cea din urma aflare a cinstitului cap.

Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul - traditii si obiceiuri
In ziua de 29 august, cand praznuim Taierea capului Sfantului Ioan Botezatorul, exista credinta in popor ca nu trebuie sa se foloseasca cutitul, totul se rupea cu mana. In popor se vorbea si de inceperea unui post, numit "de la cruce pana la cruce", un post care tinea pana pe 14 septembrie (Inaltarea Sfintei Cruci), neconsemnat in calendarul crestin, care avea rolul de a-i curati pe cei care au savarsit omoruri sau alte pacate grave.

MTV Video Music Awards 2017 Red Carpet Arrivals: See Lorde, Demi Lovato and More Stars

Buckle up music lovers because we're in for one unforgettable and outrageous evening.
The 2017 MTV Video Music Awards are finally here and your favorite singers, bands and performers from all over the world are descending upon Los Angeles for what is sure to be an OMG-filled show.
Katy Perry, the night's host with the most, and The Weeknd are tied for the second most amount of nominations this year. Perry and a slew of other famous faces are slated to hit the stage tonight with some famous friends.
Additionally, 30 Seconds to Mars, Miley Cyrus, Shawn Mendes, Fifth Harmony and Lorde will be delighting the crowds with sure-to-be show-stopping performances. Ed Sheeran, who has been busy touring North America, will also perform a song off his chart-topping album.
Plus, all eyes will be on Pink as she accepts the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for her eye-popping music videos over the years.
But before any of this can happen, we must talk about the red carpet looks. From Lorde's feathery frock to Nicki Minaj's rubber ensemble and Demi Lovato's black lace number, tonight's guest list is more than impressive.
The annual event will air live tonight from The Forum in Inglewood, Calif. at 8 p.m. So without further ado, take a look at what your favorite stars are wearing in our jam-packed gallery, which we will be updating throughout the evening...